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<font color='#55563B' size='2'>Local democracy in Armenia</font>

Local democracy in Armenia  [27/03/2014]

The Congress, meeting in Strasbourg (France) on 26 March 2014, examined a report on local democracy in Armenia. While the Congress rapporteur, Nigel Mermagen (United Kingdom, ILDG) welcomed the efforts made by the Armenian authorities to implement the provisions of the European Charter of Local Self-Government, in particular by introducing constitutional changes in 2005 and adopting new legislation in 2008, he emphasised that �Armenian local authorities only have a limited role�. �In practice, Armenian local authorities do not always have full and exclusive powers, with local government bodies serving more as agent for the central government than as autonomous actors of local public administration,� he explained. The Congress therefore recommends that the Armenian authorities review the legislation in order to better implement the principle of subsidiarity and allow the local authorities to regulate and manage a substantial share of public affairs. The Congress also calls on the Armenian authorities to increase local authorities� own resources. 

Press release
Recommendation 351(2014)
Report CPL(26)2FINAL
Interview of Nigel MERMAGEN  

D�mocratie locale en Arm�nie  [27/03/2014]

Le Congr�s r�uni � Strasbourg, (France), a examin� le 26 mars 2014 un rapport sur la d�mocratie locale en Arm�nie. Le Rapporteur du Congr�s, Nigel Mermagen (Royaume - Uni, GILD) s�est f�licit� des efforts accomplis par les autorit�s arm�niennes pour mettre en �uvre les dispositions de la Charte europ�enne de l�autonomie locale, notamment avec des changements constitutionnels en 2005 et l�adoption d�une nouvelle loi en 2008. Il a cependant soulign� que � les collectivit�s locales arm�niennes n�ont qu�un r�le tr�s limit� �. � Dans la pratique, les collectivit�s locales arm�niennes ne disposent pas toujours de comp�tences pleines et enti�res, les organes d�administration locale ont davantage un r�le d�ex�cutants pour le pouvoir central que celui d�acteurs autonomes de l�administration publique locale � a-t-il expliqu�. Le Congr�s recommande donc aux autorit�s arm�niennes de r�viser la l�gislation afin de mieux mettre en �uvre le principe de subsidiarit� et de permettre aux collectivit�s locales de g�rer, une part importante des affaires publiques. En outre, le Congr�s invite les autorit�s arm�niennes � accro�tre les ressources propres des collectivit�s. 

Communiqu� de presse
Rapport CPL(26)2FINAL
Interview de Nigel MERMAGEN