
<font color='#55563B' size='2'>Local and regional democracy in the United Kingdom</font>

Local and regional democracy in the United Kingdom  [26/03/2014]

The Congress has examined a report on the situation of local and regional democracy in the United Kingdom at its 26th session. The Congress rapporteurs Angelika Kordfelder (Germany SOC) and Alexander Uss (Russia, EPP/CCE) expressed satisfaction that, on the whole, the situation of local and regional democracy in the United Kingdom fulfilled the commitments entered into by that country under the European Charter of Local Self-Government. However, they regretted that local self-government was not constitutionally or legislatively enshrined in the United Kingdom and noted that local and regional authorities did not have adequate financial resources. The Congress recommends that the United Kingdom authorities develop more institutionalised consultation arrangements for local government and take steps to reduce the financial constraints on local authorities resulting from cuts and indebtedness. Furthermore, it encourages the United Kingdom authorities to review their declaration on the scope of the Charter in order to include the Greater London Authority and Northern Ireland.  

Report CG(26)10
Press release  

D�mocratie locale et r�gionale au Royaume-Uni  [26/03/2014]

Le Congr�s a examin� lors de sa 26e Session un rapport sur la d�mocratie locale et r�gionale au Royaume-Uni. Les rapporteurs du Congr�s Angelika Kordfelder, (Allemagne SOC) et Alexander Uss, F�d�ration de (Russie, PPE/CCE) se sont f�licit�s que la situation de la d�mocratie locale et r�gionale au Royaume�Uni soit globalement conforme aux engagements pris par ce pays au titre de la Charte europ�enne de l�autonomie locale. Ils ont cependant regrett� qu�il n�y ait pas d�ancrage constitutionnel ou l�gislatif de l�autonomie locale au Royaume-Uni et not� que les collectivit�s territoriales ne disposaient pas de ressources financi�res ad�quates. Le Congr�s recommande aux autorit�s britanniques d��laborer des dispositifs de consultation des collectivit�s locales plus institutionnalis�s et de prendre des mesures pour r�duire les contraintes financi�res qui p�sent sur celles-ci du fait des coupes budg�taires et de l�endettement. En outre, il encourage les autorit�s du Royaume-Uni � revoir leur d�claration sur le champ d�application de la Charte afin d�y inclure l�Autorit� du Grand Londres et l�Irlande du Nord.  

Rapport CG(26)10
Communiqu� de presse