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<font color='#55563B' size='2'>Dosta!-Congress Prize Awarded to 3 Cities and Regions</font>

Dosta!-Congress Prize Awarded to 3 Cities and Regions  [31/10/2013]

The 4th Dosta!-Congress Prize for Municipalities has been awarded to the city of Obrnice (Czech Republic), the city of Heraklion (Greece), and the regional authority of Kocaeli (Turkey) in the framework of the 25th Session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg (France). 'Dosta', a Romani word meaning 'enough', is an awareness raising campaign for the Council of Europe which aims at bringing non-Roma closer to Roma citizens. The Congress-prize is awarded biannually for innovative municipal projects promoting Roma integration, combating discrimination against Roma, and raising awareness of Roma culture and rights. In 2013, over 20 municipalities from 15 European countries participated in the contest.  

Press release - More information on the projects  

Le prix � Dosta ! � du Congr�s d�cern� � trois villes et r�gions  [31/10/2013]

Le Quatri�me prix � Dosta ! � pour les municipalit�s a �t� d�cern� aux villes d�Obrnice (R�publique tch�que) et d�H�raklion (Gr�ce) et � la province de Kocaeli (Turquie). Le prix a �t� d�cern� le 30 octobre dans le cadre de la 25e session du Congr�s des pouvoirs locaux et r�gionaux du Conseil de l�Europe � Strasbourg (France). � Dosta �, mot romani signifiant � �a suffit �, est une campagne de sensibilisation du Conseil de l�Europe qui vise � rapprocher les non-Roms de la population Rom. Le prix est d�cern� tous les deux ans pour des projets municipaux innovants encourageant l�int�gration des Roms, la lutte contre la discrimination envers les Roms et la sensibilisation aux droits et � la culture des Roms. En 2013, plus d�une vingtaine de municipalit�s de quinze pays europ�ens ont particip� � la competition. 

Communiqu� de presse - Plus d'informations sur les projets