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<font color='#55563B' size='2'>Economic crisis : joint declaration of the Presidents of the Parliamentary Assembly and Congress for a reinforced co-operation between all levels of government</font>

Economic crisis : joint declaration of the Presidents of the Parliamentary Assembly and Congress for a reinforced co-operation between all levels of government  [30/10/2013]

A joint declaration by the Presidents of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly and Congress was presented to the participants to the 25th Congress Session on 29 October 2013. It calls upon the national and regional governments and parliaments of all Council of Europe member states to make the issue of healthy and sustainable local and regional budgets a matter of national priority. This declaration also confirms the commitment of both bodies to cooperate �so as to ensure that the voice of �Greater Europe� be heard when it comes to preserving the capacity of action of local and regional authorities, which are the democratic institutions closest to the citizens and thus represent the foundations of European democracy.�  

Joint Declaration  

Crise �conomique: d�claration conjointe des Pr�sidents de l'Assembl�e parlementaire et du Congr�s pour une coop�ration renforc�e entre tous les niveaux de gouvernement  [30/10/2013]

Une d�claration conjointe des Pr�sidents de l�Assembl�e parlementaire et du Congr�s du Conseil de l'Europe a �t� pr�sent�e aux participants � la 25�me Session du Congr�s le 29 octobre 2013. Elle appelle les gouvernements et parlements nationaux et r�gionaux de tous les Etats membres du Conseil de l'Europe � faire de la question des budgets locaux et r�gionaux sains et durables une priorit� nationale. Cette d�claration confirme �galement l�engagement de ces deux instances � coop�rer � de mani�re � garantir que la voix de � la Grande Europe � soit entendue, lorsqu�il s�agit de pr�server la capacit� d�action des collectivit�s locales et r�gionales qui sont les institutions d�mocratiques les plus proches des citoyens et repr�sentent en cons�quence les fondements de la d�mocratie europ�enne. �  

D�claration conjointe