
<font color='#55563B' size='2'>Local and regional democracy in Ukraine</font>

Local and regional democracy in Ukraine  [31/10/2013]

The Congress examined a monitoring report on local and regional democracy in Ukraine subsequent to two monitoring visits made in May 2012 and April 2013. Congress rapporteurs Marc Cools (Belgium, ILDG) and Pascal Mangin (France, EPP/CCE) welcomed the positive initiatives taken by the Ukrainian government in view of a substantial territorial reform. Marc Cools welcomed the process of consultation of local authorities established in the context of this reform. However, he regretted that despite strong statements of intent made at the highest state level for its implementation, it was not going ahead at the desired pace.The Congress recommends that the Ukrainian authorities review their legislation in order to remove the restrictions placed on the competences of local communities, and equip them with more financial autonomy.The Congress recommends that the Ukrainian authorities review their legislation in order to remove the restrictions placed on the competences of local communities, and equip them with more financial autonomy. 

Press release
Recommendation 348 (2013)
Video of the debate
Report CG(25)8FINAL
Photo Gallery  

D�mocratie locale et r�gionale en Ukraine  [31/10/2013]

D�mocratie locale et r�gionale en Ukraine Strasbourg 31 octobre 2013 - Le Congr�s des pouvoir locaux et r�gionaux du Conseil de l�Europe a examin� un rapport de suivi sur la d�mocratie locale et r�gionale en Ukraine suite � deux visites de monitoring effectu�es en mai 2012 et avril 2013. Les rapporteurs du Congr�s Marc Cools, (Belgique GILD) et Pascal Mangin (France PPE/CCE) ont salu� les initiatives positives prises par le gouvernement ukrainien en vue d�une r�forme territoriale d�envergure. Marc Cools a ainsi accueilli avec satisfaction le processus de consultation des autorit�s locales mis en place dans le cadre de cette r�forme. Il a cependant, regrett� que malgr� des d�clarations d�intention fortes formul�es au plus haut niveau de l�Etat pour sa mise en place, celle-ci n�avance pas au rythme souhait�. Le Congr�s recommande aux autorit�s ukrainiennes de r�viser leur l�gislation afin de supprimer les restrictions op�r�es sur les comp�tences des collectivit�s locales et de les doter d�une plus grande autonomie financi�re. 

Communiqu� de presse
Recommandation 348 (2013)
Vid�o du d�bat
Rapport CG(25)8FINAL
Galerie photo