
<font color='#55563B' size='2'>Giving regions special status helps to ease tensions</font>

Giving regions special status helps to ease tensions  [30/10/2013]

While many regions in Europe already enjoy special status, generally for geographical or historical reasons, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe is reminding countries faced with regional tensions or conflicts that the adoption of 'special status' can contribute to achieving negotiated settlements. Its resolution, presented by Bruno Marziano (Italy, SOC) and adopted on 30 October 2013, is based on a study of regions with special status across Europe. Special status, which must be based in law, guarantees these regions greater autonomy, so as to take account of their particularities. However, the broader rights they enjoy must dovetail with those of the state as a whole. The Congress points out that the introduction of special status has made it possible to settle a number of conflicts between such regions and 'central' authorities, conflicts often linked to historical factors. 


Les statuts particuliers octroy�s aux r�gions contribuent � apaiser les tensions  [30/10/2013]

Alors que de nombreuses r�gions d�Europe disposent d�j� de statuts particuliers, li�s en g�n�ral � des raisons g�ographiques ou historiques, le Congr�s des pouvoirs locaux et r�gionaux du Conseil de l�Europe rappelle aux pays confront�s � des tensions ou des conflits r�gionaux que la mise en place de tels statuts peut contribuer � un r�glement n�goci� de ces conflits. Adopt�e le 30 octobre 2013, la r�solution pr�sent�e par Bruno Marziano (Italie, SOC) s�appuie sur une �tude des r�gions � statuts particuliers dans les diff�rents pays europ�ens. Le statut particulier, qui doit reposer sur la loi, garantit � ces r�gions une autonomie accrue, afin de tenir compte de leurs sp�cificit�s. Toutefois, ces droits �largis doivent s�articuler avec ceux de l�Etat dans son ensemble. Le Congr�s du Conseil de l�Europe rappelle que la mise en place de ces r�gions a permis de r�gler un certain nombre de conflits avec leur Etat � central �, conflits fr�quemment li�s � des raisons historiques. 
