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ON AIR special edition: 24th Session of the Congress  [25/03/2013]

On Air, the Council of Europe�s weekly news programme, looked this week at the 24th Session of the Congress local and regional authorities. Herwig Van Staa, President of the Congress, outlined the role of local and regional governments in tackling the European crisis. Mrs Valentina Matvienko, Chairperson of the Russian Federation Council, explains that the direct election of regional representatives was brought in in Russia to accommodate the growing desire of the Russian people to participate in politics. Finally,'' ON AIR'' returns to the debate, which was held on 20 March, on how to put an end to the exclusion of Roma in Europe. In the video, Andreas Kiefer, Secretary-General of the Congress, underlines the reasons for this discussion. As an example of effective Roma integration, Mr Darko Rudas, President of the Forum of Roma councillors of Slovenia, highlights measures brought in, in his country, which guarantee that the Roma population is suitably represented.  

ON AIR Journal  

<font color='#55563B' size='2'>ON AIR Edition sp�ciale : 24e Session du Congr�s</font>

ON AIR Edition sp�ciale : 24e Session du Congr�s  [25/03/2013]

On Air, le programme hebdomadaire d�information du Conseil de l�Europe, est consacr� cette semaine � la 24e Session du Congr�s. Herwig Van Staa, Pr�sident du Congr�s, a soulign� le r�le des collectivit�s locales et r�gionales face � la crise europ�enne. Mme Valentina Matvienko, Pr�sidente du Conseil de la F�d�ration de Russie, a expliqu� que l��lection directe de repr�sentants r�gionaux a �t� introduite en Russie pour r�pondre au d�sir croissant du people russe de participer � la vie politique. Enfin, ''ON AIR'' revient sur le d�bat, qui s'est tenu le 20 mars, concernant les moyens de mettre un terme � l�exclusion des Roms en Europe. Dans la vid�o, Andreas Kiefer, Secr�taire G�n�ral du Congr�s, rappelle les raisons qui ont pr�sid� � la tenue de ce d�bat. M. Darko Rudas, Pr�sident du Forum des conseillers municipaux roms de Slov�nie, cite comme exemple d�une r�elle int�gration des Roms les mesures prises dans son pays en vue de garantir la repr�sentation ad�quate de la population rom.  

ON AIR Journal