
<font color='#55563B' size='2'>Observation of the by-elections in Armenia: ''It seems essential for the Armenian authorities to create the conditions for genuine political pluralism''

Observation of the by-elections in Armenia: ''It seems essential for the Armenian authorities to create the conditions for genuine political pluralism''  [20/03/2013]

Observation of the by-elections in Armenia: �It seems essential for the Armenian authorities to create the conditions for genuine political pluralism� �Practical organisation of the local by-elections in Armenia on 9 and 23 September 2012 was, on the whole, satisfactory�, said Henry F�ral (France, EPP/CCE) on 20 March 2013, in the context of a debate and the adoption of a recommendation on this subject at the 24th session of the Congress. The Congress nevertheless noted some shortcomings and urged the Armenian authorities to take measures designed to prevent election rigging, in particular by systematically punishing practices involving the distribution of money observed in certain polling stations, by reminding returning officers of the absolute necessity of checking the identity of each voter against their own personal passport, by making sure that any help given to the elderly is appropriate for their actual needs. Moreover, the Congress drew up some recommendations on crowd control in the polling booths, which is largely caused by the continued presence of unauthorised persons, as well as on the representation of women in elective office. �More generally, it seems essential for the Armenian authorities to create the conditions for genuine political pluralism through the emergence of an opposition force and to strengthen local self-government�, added Mr F�ral. Brian Meaney, a representative of the Committee of the Regions of the European Union, also highlighted the positive progress made in local election organisation in Armenia.  

Recommendation 338 (2013)
Report CPL(24)2
Video of the debate
Video of the debate (original)
Special file  

Observation des �lections partielles en Arm�nie : '' Il appara�t essentiel que les autorit�s arm�niennes cr�ent les conditions d�un r�el pluralisme politique''  [20/03/2013]

''L�organisation mat�rielle des �lections locales partielles en Arm�nie les 9 et 23 septembre 2012 �tait globalement satisfaisante'' a d�clar� Henry F�ral (France, PPE/CCE) le 20 mars 2013, dans le cadre d�un d�bat et de l�adoption d�une recommandation sur ce sujet lors de la 24e session du Congr�s. Le Congr�s a cependant not� des d�faillances et exhort� les autorit�s arm�niennes � prendre les mesures visant � pr�venir la fraude, notamment en rappelant aux scrutateurs l�absolue n�cessit� de v�rifier l�identit� de chaque �lecteur sur la base de leur passeport personnel, en veillant � ce que � l�assistance � aux personnes �g�es r�ponde exclusivement aux besoins r�els de ces derni�res et en sanctionnant syst�matiquement les pratiques observ�es ayant cours dans certains bureaux de vote, impliquant une distribution d�argent. Le Congr�s a par ailleurs formul� des recommandations, sur le contr�le de l�affluence dans les bureaux de vote notamment due � des personnes non habilit�es � y rester, ou encore la repr�sentation des femmes aux fonctions �lectives. ''Plus largement, il appara�t essentiel que les autorit�s arm�niennes cr�ent les conditions d�un r�el pluralisme politique par l��mergence d�une force d�opposition et renforcent l�autonomie locale'' a ajout� Henry F�ral. Brian Meaney, repr�sentant du Comit� des R�gions de l�Union Europ�enne a par ailleurs soulign� l��volution positive en ce qui concerne l�organisation des �lections locales dans ce pays.  

Recommandation 338 (2013)
Rapport CPL(24)2
Video du d�bat
Vid�o du d�bat (original)
Dossier sp�cial