
<font color='#55563B' size='2'>Fight against corruption: pointers for action at local and regional levels</font>

Fight against corruption: pointers for action at local and regional levels  [22/03/2013]

Heavily committed to combating corruption at local and regional levels, the Congress held a debate on Thursday 21 March 2013 with several heads of anti-corruption bodies on the best means of counteracting this 'political and economic gangrene' which undermines the whole of democracy. Among the speakers were Marin Mrcela, president of the Council of Europe's Group of States against Corruption (GRECO), Jean-Pierre Guis, president of the French ANTICOR association of elected representatives and citizens against corruption, Petra Kneuer, director of investigations of the European Union's Office European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), and Sir Alan Meale, British parliamentarian and member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. The congress will build upon the results of this debate in order to elaborate a joint strategy for the promotion of ethics and the prevention of corruption at local and regional levels, which will be introduced progressively in all 47 member states. 

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Lutte contre la corruption : des pistes pour agir aux niveaux local et r�gional  [22/03/2013]

Fortement engag� dans la lutte contre la corruption aux niveaux local et r�gional, le Congr�s a convi�, jeudi 21 mars 2013, plusieurs responsables d�organismes anti-corruption � d�battre avec lui des meilleurs moyens de contrer cette � gangr�ne politique et �conomique � qui mine la d�mocratie toute enti�re. Parmi les intervenants figuraient Marin Mrcela, pr�sident du Groupe d�Etats contre la corruption (GRECO) du Conseil de l�Europe, Jean-Pierre Guis, pr�sident de l�association fran�aise ANTICOR qui r�unit des �lus et des citoyens contre la corruption, Petra Kneuer, directrice des investigations de l�Office europ�en de Lutte Antifraude (OLAF) de l�Union europ�enne, et Sir Alan Meale, parlementaire britannique et membre de l�Assembl�e Parlementaire du Conseil de l�Europe. Le Congr�s s�appuiera sur les r�sultats de ce d�bat pour �laborer une strat�gie d�ensemble de promotion de l��thique et de pr�vention de la corruption aux niveaux local et r�gional, qui sera mise en �uvre progressivement tout en visant � terme les 47 Etats membres du Conseil de l�Europe. 

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