
<font color='#55563B' size='2'>Keith Whitmore: ''Involving more and more members in the activities of the Congress, we became more inclusive''</font>

Keith Whitmore: ''Involving more and more members in the activities of the Congress, we became more inclusive''  [16/10/2012]

�Congress activities are proof of the growing capacity of this institution�, underlined Keith Whitmore, outgoing President of the Congress (United Kingdom, ILDG) presenting his report on the �State of the Congress 2012� at the 23 Plenary Session. �We have refocused our thematic activities to ensure maximum contribution to the Council of Europe�s core objectives of democracy, human rights and the rule of law�, highlighted Keith Whitmore. He mentioned in particular the reform process of the Congress, the European Alliance of Cities and Regions for Roma Inclusion, the broadening of the European Local Democracy Week, and the Pact of Towns and Regions to stop sexual violence against children. �The Congress has become a truly consultative, monitoring and operational body of the Council of Europe, fully engaged with the intergovernmental sector�, he stated.  (More...)


Keith Whitmore : ''En associant de plus en plus de membres aux activit�s du Congr�s, nous sommes devenus plus ouverts''  [16/10/2012]

'Les activit�s du Congr�s sont la preuve de l�augmentation des capacit�s de cette institution', a d�clar� Keith Whitmore, Pr�sident sortant du Congr�s (Royaume-Uni, GILD) en pr�sentant son rapport sur 'L'�tat du Congr�s 2012' lors de sa 23e session pl�ni�re. 'Nous avons recentr� nos activit�s th�matiques afin d�assurer un maximum de contribution aux objectifs fondamentaux du Conseil de l'Europe que sont la d�mocratie, les droits de l�homme et l�Etat de droit', a soulign� Keith Whitmore. Il a notamment parl� du processus de r�forme en cours du Congr�s, de l�Alliance europ�enne des villes et des r�gions pour l'inclusion des Roms, de l��largissement de la Semaine europ�enne de la d�mocratie locale, ainsi que du Pacte des villes et r�gions contre la violence sexuelle envers les enfants. 'Le Congr�s est devenu un organe op�rationnel et de suivi v�ritablement consultatif du Conseil de l'Europe, pleinement engag� aux c�t�s du secteur intergouvernemental', a-t-il d�clar�.  (More...)

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