
<font color='#55563B' size='2'>Baroness Hanham participated in Statutory Forum meeting</font>

Baroness Hanham participated in Statutory Forum meeting  [16/03/2012]

The Statutory Forum of the Congress met on 20 March 2012, on the occasion of the 22nd Congress Session. In the framework of the UK Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers, Baroness Hanham, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Communities and Local Government, took part in the meeting. Members of the Forum held an exchange of views with the Baroness. They also discussed the role of the Head of National Delegations in the follow-up activities to the Committee of Ministers� proposals concerning local and regional government, resulting from the Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Local and Regional Government (Kyiv, 3-4 November 2011). Participants also examined and voted on the new Election Procedure for the Secretary General of the Congress. 


La baronne Hanham participe � la r�union du Forum statutaire  [16/03/2012]

Le Forum statutaire du Congr�s s'est r�uni le 20 mars 2012 � l�occasion de la 22e session du Congr�s. Dans le cadre de la pr�sidence du Royaume-Uni du Comit� des Ministres, la baronne Hanham, Sous-secr�taire d�Etat parlementaire au minist�re britannique des Communaut�s et des collectivit�s territoriales, a assist� � la r�union. Les membres du Forum ont eu un �change de vues avec la baronne. Ils ont �galement examin� le r�le du chef des d�l�gations nationales dans les activit�s de suivi aux propositions du Comit� des Ministres concernant les collectivit�s territoriales, fruits de la Conf�rence des ministres responsables des collectivit�s territoriales (Kiev, 3-4 novembre 2011). Apr�s examen, les participants ont proc�d� au vote sur le nouveau processus d��lection du Secr�taire g�n�ral du Congr�s.  
