
Congress adopts a recommendation on local and regional democracy in Slovenia

Congress adopts a recommendation on local and regional democracy in Slovenia  [19/10/2011]

A report on local and regional democracy in Slovenia was discussed on 18 October at the 21st Congress Plenary Session. The report, which was presented by Jos Wienen (The Netherlands) and Merita Jegeni Yildiz (Turkey), expressed satisfaction that local democracy has considerably improved in Slovenia and globally complies with the European Charter of Local Self-Government. �We were impressed with the importance given to the principles of the Charter�, stated the Rapporteurs and pointed, in particular, to options for citizen participation in local communities. Furthermore they noted that the distribution of shared state taxes has been changed and that �financing of local government had been improved�.  (More...)

Document CG(21)12  

Le Congr�s adopte une recommandation sur la d�mocratie locale et r�gionale en Slov�nie  [19/10/2011]

Un rapport sur la d�mocratie locale et r�gionale en Slov�nie a �t� discut� le 18 octobre lors de la 21e session pl�ni�re du Congr�s. Pr�sent� par Jos Wienen (Pays-Bas) et Merita Jegeni Yildiz (Turquie), ce rapport salue les progr�s consid�rables de la d�mocratie locale en Slov�nie et le fait qu�elle est globalement conforme � la Charte europ�enne de l�autonomie locale. � Nous avons �t� impressionn�s par l�importance accord�e aux principes �nonc�s dans la Charte �, ont indiqu� les Rapporteurs, soulignant en particulier les possibilit�s de participation citoyenne qu�offrent les collectivit�s locales. Ils ont not� �galement que la r�partition des imp�ts nationaux partag�s avait �t� modifi�e et que � le financement de l�autonomie locale avait �t� am�lior� �.  (More...)

Document CG(21)12