Video records

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Tuesday 26 October 2010

- Round-table 25th anniversary of the European Charter of Local Self-Government

       Original version    |    English version    |    French version

- Speech by Keith Whitmore, newly elected Congress President

       Original version    |    English version    |    French version

- Debate on local democracy in Montenegro

       Original version    |    English version    |    French version

- Debate on local democracy in Estonia

       Original version    |    English version    |    French version

- Press Conference with the Mayor of Malaga (Spain)

       Original version

- Round Table : Cooperation between the Congress and Associations representing regions in Europe

       Original version    |    English version    |    French version

- Sustainable development of mountain regions and the experience of the Carpathian Mountains

       Original version    |    English version    |    French version

Wednesday 27 October 2010

- Debate on the reform of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe

       Original version    |    English version    |    French version

- Debate Congress priorities 2011-2012

       Original version    |    English version    |    French version

- Speech by Mevlüt Çavusoglu, Parlimentary Assembly President

       Original version    |    English version    |    French version

- Speech by Thorbjorn Jagland, Council of Europe Secretary General

       Original version    |    English version    |    French version

- Signature of the European Charter of Local Self-Government by Andorra

       Original version    |    English version    |    French version

- Speech by Musa Xhaferri, Minister of Local Self-Government on behalf of the Committee of Ministers Chairmanship

       Original version    |    English version    |    French version

- Speech by Mercedes Bresso, EU Committee of the Regions President

       Original version    |    English version    |    French version

- Debate on the Observation of municipal elections in Georgia

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- Landscape: a new dimension of public territorial action-Committee on Sustainable Development

       Original version    |    English version    |    French version

- Ceremony awarding the Congress medal to Valerio Prignachi, Honorary Member

       Original version    |    English version    |    French version

Thursday 28 October 2010

- Debate on local and regional democracy in the Russian Federation

       Original version    |    English version    |    French version

- Coastal towns and cities tackling threats from the sea

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- Debate on Cultural integration of Muslim women in European cities

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- Debate on the Integration of young people from disadvantaged areas

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