The following pre-recorded videos will be available online around two hours after their delivery
Monday 27 January
- Full sessions: Morning / afternoon
- Joint debate: Progress report of the Bureau and the Standing Committee
- Address by His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch BARTHOLOMEW I
- Address by Xavier Bettel Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Luxembourg, Chair of the Committee of Minister
- Joint debate (continued): Progress report of the Bureau and the Standing Committee / Observation of the parliamentary elections in Georgia (26 October 2024) / The progress of the Assembly's monitoring procedure (January-December 2024)
Tuesday 28 January
- Full sessions: Morning / afternoon
- Debate: The need for a renewed rules-based international order
- Statement by Marko BOŠNJAK President of the European Court of Human Rights
- Address by Alain Berset Secretary General of the Council of Europe
- Debate: The absolute and urgent need to end the humanitarian crisis for women, children and the hostages in Gaza
- Debate: Addressing risks to human rights and the rule of law posed by mercenaries and private military and security companies: a call for comprehensive regulation
Wednesday 29 January
- Full sessions: Morning / afternoon
- Debate: Multiperspectivity in remembrance and history education for democratic citizenship
- Commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp
- Address by Luc Frieden, Prime Minister of Luxembourg
- Debate: Challenge, on substantive grounds, of the still unratified credentials of the parliamentary delegation of Georgia
- Debate: Immigration, one of the answers to Europe's demographic ageing
Thursday 30 January
- Full sessions: Morning / afternoon
- Debate under urgent procedure: Opinion on a draft convention for the protection of the profession of lawyer
- Statement by The Rt Hon Lord Hermer KC, Attorney General for England and Wales and Advocate General for Northern Ireland
- Debate: The urgent need for free and fair elections in Belarus
- Debate: European commitment to a just and lasting peace in Ukraine
- Debate: Women in the economy: employment, entrepreneurship and gender-responsive budgeting
- Debate: Regulating content moderation on social media to safeguard freedom of expression
Friday 31 January
Для прессы
- Директорат по коммуникациям
- Календарные планы
- Все пресс-релизы
- Документы ПАСЕ на рус. яз. (1998-2022 гг.)
- Тексты выступлений
- Саммит Совета Европы, Рейкьявик, 16-17 мая
- Вклад Совета Европы в Повестку дня ООН в области устойчивого развития на период до 2030 года
- Банк фотографий
- Видеоматериалы по запросу
- Тематические досье