Новости 2019

Назад Комиссар Миятович приветствует закрытие лагеря мигрантов «Вучак» в Боснии и Герцеговине

The improvised migrant camp “Vučjak” near Bihać that is being dismantled following the relocation of migrants to Ušivak and Blažuj near Sarajevo on 10 Dec 19.  © Snezana Mitrovic

The improvised migrant camp “Vučjak” near Bihać that is being dismantled following the relocation of migrants to Ušivak and Blažuj near Sarajevo on 10 Dec 19. © Snezana Mitrovic

Приветствую закрытие временного лагеря «Вучак» недалеко от г. Бихач, в котором мигранты и лица, просящие убежища, месяцами томились в крайне плачевных условиях. Это давно назревшее решение о закрытии лагеря стало возможным благодаря сотрудничеству между государством и местными властями Уна-Саны и кантона Сараево, а также благодаря преданной работе различных гуманитарных и международных организаций, занимающихся этим вопросом. Я также обратила внимание на то, что почти все лица, проживавшие в лагере, согласились на переселение без какого-либо сопротивления.

Далее на английском языке.

I applaud the dedication of the staff of the Red Cross of Bosnia and Herzegovina who had been doing their best to meet the basic humanitarian needs of the migrants in the extremely difficult and inhumane conditions in “Vučjak “. I also praise the important work of the many NGOs, INGOs and volunteers, some of whom I met during my recent visit, who have worked tirelessly to provide this population with the much needed assistance and protection.

This development is a wakeup call for the new Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina to assume full responsibility for migration issues and ensure that the human rights of refugees and migrants, including asylum seekers, are respected. This should be done in close co-operation with the international community and civil society actors. My dialogue with the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina on these issues will continue.

Страсбург 11/12/2019
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