Within any country, different economic and social groups may experience mental health services (and all services) differently. People from lower income groups, women, men, children and young people, older persons, LGTBI+, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, ethnic minorities, and so on, are all likely to experience coercive measures differently.

Demographic matters were only generally noted in submissions for this report in relation to the broader population to which a particular service operated. For example, the Belgian TANDEMplus program serves a part of Brussels with high numbers of migrants, people living in small houses and/or public housing, and populations with higher rates of unemployment and drug use. Other studies noted similar socio-economic disadvantage in the areas in which services operated (such as the Norwegian restraint-reduction program at Lovisenberg diaconal hospital, Clinic for Mental Health).

However, none of the practices appear to have been explicitly designed for specific sub-populations.