Publications du Conseil de l'Europe concernant le CPT
- Preventing torture in Europe (2018)
By Christine Bicknell, Malcolm Evans and Rod Morgan
[Council of Europe Publishing] [en anglais seulement]
- Annuaire de la Convention européenne pour la prévention de la torture
David Harris (ed.)
[University of Nottingham, Human Rights Law Centre]
Publications du Conseil de l'Europe traitant de questions relatives au CPT
- Organisation and management of health care in prison (2019) [en anglais seulement]
- A brief introduction to investigative interviewing. A practitioner’s guide (2018) [en anglais seulement]
- Police oversight mechanisms in the Council of Europe Member States (2017 update) [en anglais seulement]
- Combating ill-treatment in Prison (2016) [en anglais seulement]
- Prison health care and medical ethics (2015) [en anglais seulement]
- Effective investigation of ill-treatment. Guidelines on European standards (2009) [en anglais seulement]
Combattre la torture en Europe