Picture games introduction

  • Raskusaste level2 level2
  • Rühma suurus 10+ 10+
  • Aeg 60 minutes 60 minutes

In this activity people discuss how beliefs develop, how they are reinforced and how and why they change over time.

Related rights
  • Freedom of thought, conscience and religion
  • Freedom of opinion and expression
  • The right to participate freely in the cultural life of the community
Oluline kuupäev
  • 5 OctoberWorld Teachers Day


  1. Lay the pictures out on tables round the room.
  2. Tell people to work individually.
  3. Read out one of the articles from the UDHR and write it up on the board/flip chart.
  4. Ask people to look at the photographs and to choose the one that in their opinion best represents the article.
  5. Then ask each person in turn to say which picture they chose and why.
  6. Make a note of which pictures were chosen; write the numbers on the board.
  7. Do four or five more rounds naming different articles from the UDHR. (Choose a mixture of the civil and political and social and economic rights.)

Debriefing and evaluation

Start with a review of the activity itself and then go on to talk about what people learned.

  • Was it difficult to choose pictures to represent the different rights? Did individuals choose different pictures in the different rounds, or did they think that one or two pictures said it all?
  • Did different people choose the same pictures in the different rounds, or did people have very different ideas about what represented the different rights? What does this tell us about how each of us sees the world?
  • Review the list on the flipchart. Which photographs were chosen most often? What was special about these images? Why were they chosen often? Did the size or colour make a difference, or was it what was in the picture that was significant?
  • Was any individual picture chosen to represent several different rights?
  • Did anyone disagree with anyone else's interpretation of a particular picture?
  • Were there any photos that were never chosen? Could they nonetheless be interpreted to represent a human right? Which rights? People should explain the reason for their choices.
  • Did people know that they have all the rights that were talked about in the course of the activity? If not, which ones did they not know about?
  • How do the media use and mis-use images? Pick one example of a current event and analyse how it is presented in the newspapers and on the television. How are the related human rights issues presented?

 Tips for facilitators
