Aged 3-7 years old: The Underwear Rule materials 

"Kiko and the Hand" helps parents and caregivers to explain to children where others should not try to touch them, how to react and where to seek help.

"Kiko and the Manymes" teaches parents and caregivers how to protect their children and avoid their exposure to phones with video and photo cameras or a webcam through “the golden rules of screens”, a basic set of rules, aimed at empowering children to protect their privacy and their image in the digital environment.

Keep me safe

This is a documentary which illustrates good practices taking place in different member states through prevention, education and protection of victims and through promotion of child-friendly justice.


The Pestalozzi Programme

This is the Council of Europe training and capacity building programme for education professionals. It aims at modeling how the values and standards of the Council of Europe can be translated into everyday practice of teaching and learning. : Sex/Sexuality education – Personal development, prevention of discrimination and violence is a training course for trainers, covering the development and testing of teaching and training resources which promote a holistic sexuality education based on the understanding that such education will help prevent discrimination and violence linked to sexuality.

Dowload "The Pestalozzi Programme - Council of Europe Training Programme for education professionals"

See the Pestalozzi website to find out more on the “sex/sexuality education – personal development, prevention of discrimination and violence” module

Aged 9-13 years old: "Tell someone you trust"

Professionals working with children can show this video to children to understand through one girl’s story, what sexual violence is and how children can be protected from it.
A booklet comes with the video so that professionals can help children better understand the video’s key messages.


Aged 12 years old and above: "So, this is sexual abuse?"

This leaflet and explanatory video explore through stories of several young people some of the ways in which sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children can occur today. Professionals working with children can use these useful tools to guide children on where to seek support to deal with questions they might have about certain behaviours, their right to say no or what to do when sexually explicit pictures or images are shared online.


 Aged 14 years old and above: The Lake"

This short film is a part of the ONE in FIVE Campaign. The video illustrates the psychological pressure that family abusers can apply on their victims, and it aims at encouraging victims of sexual abuse to break the silence and speak out.