The integration of migrants and the impact on it of their acquisition of competence in the language(s) of the host country are a focus for political debate and policy initiatives in a large number of Council of Europe member States, as is demonstrated by the surveys carried out to date by the Council of Europe.

Within the project focused on offering language support to migrants, based on the extended Linguistic Integration of Adult Migrants (LIAM) project, in existence since 2006, the Council of Europe provides policy guidelines and pedagogical resources for the authorities and educators in the member States receiving refugees and other migrants, adults and children alike.

Glavni cilji

  • Skladno s skupnimi vrednotami in načeli Sveta Evrope države članice podpreti in jim pomagati pri razvijanju jasnih in učinkovitih politik ter pri reviziji obstoječih politik.
  • Zagotoviti praktično podporo za učinkovito uresničevanje teh politik.
  • Spodbujati dobre prakse in visoko kakovost pri pripravi jezikovnih tečajev in jezikovnega testiranja.
  • Državam članicam ponuditi platformo za izmenjavo izkušenj in za razmislek o politiki in praksah na tem področju.

Če povzamemo: namen te spletne strani je ponuditi praktično orodje za zbiranje uporabnih sredstev in dostop do njih. Nastala je s pomočjo skupine strokovnjakov z različnih področij.

Prevod v slovenščino: Ina Ferbežar, članica delovne skupine LAMI (ALTE)

Oddelek za jezikovno politiko bi se rad zahvalil članom združenja ALTE (LAMI Group) za prevod nekaterih delov spletne strani LIAM (Jezikovna integracija odraslih priseljencev), da smo lahko pripravili to večjezično različico. Prevodi so na voljo v finščini, italijanščini, nemščini, norveščini, portugalščini, ruščini in slovenščini. Več

Guiding principles

The Council of Europe has elaborated standard setting instruments and recommendations which set out the principles governing actions in the migration field. These are complemented by language policy guidelines and reference tools developed to support their effective implementation in an inclusive approach based on shared values and principles.


Past events


 4th Intergovernmental Conference on “Better Integration Through Learning: Language and knowledge of society policies and learning opportunities for migrants in Council of Europe member states. Strasbourg 16th October 2019

 Webinar Training on the Council of Europe Toolkit 'Linguistic Support for Adult Refugees'

Language Support for adult refugees: a Council of Europe toolkit.
A website in 7 languages:

LIAM SYMPOSIUM: the publication 

The linguistic integration of adult migrants: lessons from research /
L'intégration linguistique des migrants adultes : les enseignements de la recherche

Published by De Gruyter Mouton for the Council of Europe  (ISBN 978-3-11-047749-8) as the follow-up of the LIAM Symposium (Strasbourg, 30 March-1 April 2016): Programme and Abstracts of  presentations
Bilingual Abstracts are available separately

Survey and Conference

Official texts
Extracts from Council of Europe Conventions, Recommendations and Resolutions concerning Integration of Adult Migrants and Education (1968-2017)

Press article
Council of Europe policy principles and instruments for the linguistic integration of adult migrants.
(in French with abstract in English)