The certification “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe” is a guarantee of excellence. Once a year, the certification is awarded to legally constituted networks focussing on a European theme and implementing activities in at least three Council of Europe member States.

The certification gives visibility to European initiatives which bring to life Council of Europe values, such as cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and mutual exchanges across borders. Through the Cultural Routes programme, the Council of Europe offers a model for transnational networks working on the promotion of European heritage. The Cultural Routes bring together, to name only a few, heritage sites, universities, national, regional and local authorities and socio-economic actors such as SMEs and tour operators.


Developing a Cultural Route requires to:

  1. Define a theme representative of European values common to several Council of Europe countries;
  2. Identify heritage elements, whether tangible and/or intangible;
  3. Create a network with a legal status, involving at least three Council of Europe countries;
  4. Coordinate common activities in the main field of actions (see certification's criteria below);
  5. Ensure a common visibility strategy and coherence of the project across involved countries.


The rules for the award of the certification as “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe” are defined in the Committee of Ministers  Resolution CM/Res(2013)67.

Only networks that deal with a European theme (I), comply with the priority fields of actions (II) and are presented by a single network (III) will be considered for certification.

I. Themes criteria

II. Field of action

III. Network criteria