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TOURA Katerina

Katerina TOURA

Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, Member of the Council of Europe network of coordinators for Education for democratic citizenship and human rights


Discussant: Side event

Katerina Toura specializes in Education and Human Rights. Since 2006, Ms Toura works in the Greek Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, in the Department of European and International Affairs in Education. From 1998 to 2008 she had worked as a researcher at the University of Athens (Centre of Intercultural Education) in the programme “Education of Migrant and Repatriated students” on material development and school interventions. Ms. Toura is member of the Council of Europe Network of Coordinators for Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights, and is currently the leading expert on the preparation of the Council of Europe Report on the State of Citizenship and Human Rights Education in Europe.

Themes and labs 2016