Venice Office launches European Heritage Days (EHD) 2024

28-29 September Italy

“Heritage of Routes, Networks, and Connections”, this is the 2024’s theme for the European Heritage Days which will take place in Italy on 28 and 29 September. Launched by the Council of Europe in 1985 in France, the European Heritage Days have been organised as a joint initiative of the Council...

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European Day of Languages 2024 promotes Europe’s linguistic and cultural diversity

26 September Venice

The Europan Day of Languages (EDL) aims to highlight the importance of learning languages as an integral part of a person’s growth, and on the relevance of linguistic and cultural diversity. The Venice edition of the European Day of Languages 2024 was co-organized by the Italian Office of the...

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Which role for journalists in Sport and Economics?

24 September Mestre

  On 24 September Mario Schwetz, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Venice, spoke at the Veneto journalist lifelong vocational training course “Sport and Economics: the role of journalism”. Experts from different fields analysed the theme from their perspectives with Carlo Mazzanti, Director...

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Gender equality and inclusiveness take center stage at this year's Venice Biennale Cinema

3 Settembre Venezia

On Tuesday 3 September, from 14:00 to 16:30, the Spazio Incontri at the Hotel Excelsior hosted the annual Seminar on Gender Equality and Inclusivity and Film Industry. The event was organized by La Biennale di Venezia in collaboration with Eurimages, The Council of Europe Office in Venice, The...

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Venice Regata Storica 2024: A Timeless Tradition on the Grand Canal

1 September Venice

  The iconic Venice Regata Storica returned on 1st September to the Grand Canal, captivating both locals and visitors with its vibrant display of Venetian rowing tradition. This year’s event featured a historical procession and competitive regattas. The Regata Storica remains a cherished...

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Council of Europe and European Days are back in Venice

May 2024 Venice

During the month of May, the Council of Eruope and the European Days returns to Venice with a series of events focused on right to vote. The initiatives, organised by the City of Venice in collaboration with the Italian office of the Council of Europe and the Italian representations of the...

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The Venice Office honours the Day of Remembrance of the Holocaust

16 January 2024 Venice

On the occasion of Holocaust Memorial Day 2024, the City of Venice presents and coordinates a calendar of more than sixty commemorative events. Among these, the Council of Europe Office in Venice organizes three initiatives aimed at keeping alive the memory of the Holocaust and commemorating the...

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Council of Europe Days presented at Club of Venice’s communication professionals

11 December 2023 Venice

Council of Europe Days have been high on the agenda at Palazzo Franchetti during Club of Venice’s plenary session (30 November – 1 December), as a best practice for institutional communication. The initiative has been highlighted during the round table on “The Future of public communication”:...

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European Language Day 2023

26 Septembre Venice

Ambassador Luisella Pavan-Woolfe represented the Council of Europe at the 2023 events on the theme "languages for cultural heritage". The main inititiatives took place at Ca' Foscari University in Ca' Dolfin. The complete programme of the days can be seen at the following link:

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The Piccolo teather opens doors of its archives in Milan

24 September Milan

A heritage walk organised by the Ministry of Culture Lombardy Office on the occasion of European Heritage Days, took participants to the State Archives and the Milan Piccolo teather. Superintendent Annalisa Rossi and Luisella Pavan-Woolfe, author of the book "Let us difend togheter cultural...

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European Heritage Days 2023 shine a light on “Living Heritage”: cultural traditions and skills

23-24 September Italy

Organised jointly by the Council of Europe and the European Commission since 1999, the European Heritage Days celebrate the wealth and diversity of European cultural heritage, while promoting dialogue, inclusion, and co-operation across borders. Living Heritage is the pan-European theme for the...

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The first lazaret celebrates 600 years

5 September 2023 Veneto

The Italian Office of the Council of Europe adheres to the Committee for the celebrations of 600 years since the creation of the first lazaret, in 1423 in Venice. The programme of all the events can be seen below:

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Six centuries of public health measures to fight pandemics

5 September 2023 Venice

The exhibition "Venice from the first Lazaretto to pandemic control 1423-2023" curated by Professor Nelli Elena Vanzan-Marchini, opened on 5 September 2023 at Palazzo Ferro Fini in Venice. Roberto Ciambetti, President of the Regional Veneto Council; Simone Venturini, Venice Municipality...

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Europe Days 2023 end with a final concert

25 May 2023 Venice

“A concert for Europe” is the closing event of Europe Days 2023 edition. It took place on 25 May at Benedetto Marcello Conservatory of Venice. Luisella Pavan-Woolfe, Director of the Council of Europe Office in Venice, together with Francesca Vianello, representative of Europe Direct office in...

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Clearing the fog: ensuring real information by journalists for citizens

24 May 2023 Venice

Around 80 regional journalists from the Venice region have attended an innovative training course focused on intelligence and information. The course was designed to show how applying Council of Europe tools and standards can help them overcome the challenges of maintaining accurate information...

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The last 2023 “Caffè Europa” focuses on cultural heritage

22 May 2023 Venice

On 22 May 2023, the last “Caffè Europa” took place at the historical Caffè Florian, the oldest coffee house in Europe. The debate, framed by the stunning view on Saint Mark’s square, dealt with cultural heritage and the importance of its safeguard. Speakers, moderated by Giovanni De Luca,...

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Freshly published book on the Faro Convention presented in Venice

19 May 2023 Venice

On 19 May 2023 the newly published book “Defending together the cultural heritage of Europe. The Faro Convention” was presented at the headquarters of the Council of Europe Office in Venice. Annalisa Rossi, Archives and Libraries Superintendent of the Lombardy, Veneto and Trentino-South Tyrol...

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Antonio Silvio Calò speaks of civic engagement

18 May 2023 Venice

On 18 May 2023 Professor Antonio Silvio Calò presented his new volume “Without looking away. A story of civic commitment” at the regional headquarters of RAI Veneto. The book describes his personal experience which has become a model to be followed at European level. The author welcomed in his...

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The volume “Ventotene 80” celebrates the Manifesto’s anniversary

17 May 2023 Venice

On 17 May 2023 the book “Ventotene 80”, edited by Michele Fiorillo, was presented at the Venice Office of the Council of Europe. Altiero Spinelli, during his confinement in the small island of Ventotene, gathers the funding principles of what was to become the European integration project. The...

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Monica Amari presents her book: “Praise to cultural rights and obligations”

16 May 2023 Venice

On 16 May 2023 the author Monica Amari presented her newly published book “Praise to cultural rights and obligations” at the Council of Europe Office in Venice. Director Luisella Pavan-Woolfe moderated the meeting and recalled the importance of safeguarding our cultural heritage. Secretary...

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Gender Equality in Europe at the second Caffè Europa

15 May 2023 Venice

On 15 May the second Caffè Europa saw animated discussions on “Europe and Women”. The event was held at the historic Caffè Lavena, at the heart of Saint Mark’s square. Responsible for Institutional Relations of the European Parliament Office in Rome, Fabrizio Spada, moderated it. The Head of...

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Europe and children: the first Caffè Europa 2023 takes off

8 May 2023 Venice

On 8 May the first Caffè Europa 2023 edition took place in Mestre on the theme “Europe and children” was held at the M9 Museum in Mestre. The event was moderated by the Head of the Council of Europe Office in Venice, Luisella Pavan-Woolfe, who recalled the importance of acknowledging and...

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The “Europa Adriatica Project” takes off in Venice

8 May 2023 Venice

On 8 May 2023 the Europa Adriatica Project was presented at the Council of Europe office in Venice during the National Festival of Sustainable Development 2023. The cross-border program starts in Venice and encompasses the cities of Rovinj, Pula, Mali Lošinj, Zadar, Rijeka, all the way to Nova...

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Hot off the press: “Defending together the cultural heritage of Europe. The Faro Convention”

5 May 2023 Rome

On 5 May 2023 the new volume on the Faro Convention, edited by Luisella Pavan-Woolfe, was presented at the headquarters of the National Research Council (CNR) in Rome. The book provides fresh perspectives and views, on how the Faro’s original and innovative approach is being implemented in...

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The Faro Italia Network holds its sixth meeting in Rome

5 May 2023 Rome

On 5 May 2023 the sixth meeting of the Faro Italia Network took place at the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale in Rome. The network includes heritage communities, cultural institutions and associations which operate in line with the principles of the Faro Convention and implement it at the national...

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Citizens and communities on the foreground to manage cultural heritage

4 May 2023 Rome

On 4 May 2023 the “Scuola dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali” Foundation held a round table on citizens’ and communities’ participation in the management of cultural heritage at the Central National Library in Rome. The meeting organized by the Foundation involved experts, professionals,...

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Focus on Gender Equality in Public Administration at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

3 May 2023 Rome

On 3 May 2023 a conference on Gender Equality in Public Administration took place at the Italian Foreign Affairs Ministry. The event was organized by the Italian Association of Diplomatic Women and the Trade Union of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs civil servants to discuss equal...

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The 11th edition of the European Days is back in Venice

1 May 2023 Venice

During the month of May, the 11th edition of the European Days returns to Venice with a series of events focused on human rights and fundamental freedoms. The initiatives, organised by the City of Venice in collaboration with the Italian office of the Council of Europe and the Italian...

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CertiLingua Certificates of Excellence Award Ceremony in Venice

22 April 2023 Venice

On 22 April 2023 in Venice at the headquarters of the Regional Secretariat of the Ministry of Culture for Veneto, 24 students of the region were awarded the CertiLingua certificates of excellence following the validation and recognition of the path of excellence carried out during the final three...

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In Venice the Conference: “Human rights: of all and for all?”

16 April 2023 Venice

On 16 April 2023, Gioventù Federalista Europea Venezia and the Rotaract Club Venezia organized the conference on the theme "Human rights: of all and for all? Comparison and reflections among European federalism, Western neo-imperialism and humanity" at Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista....

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Celebration Committee for the first Lazaret’s 600 years presented at Ateneo Veneto

13 April 2023 Venice

On 13 April professor Nelli Elena Vanzan Marchini and Doctor Gaetano Thiene held the last lesson of the 2023 course in Public Health. They spoke respectively of the invention of the first lazaret in history (28 August 1423) and the famous British physician William Harvey. The lesson was also an...

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What vision for our library?

30 March 2023 Milan

On 30-31 March 2023 the Conference “Future vision: next generation library” took place in Milan. The theme of this edition was inspired by the European project NextGenerationEU, which is not only a recovery plan, but above all a unique opportunity to emerge from the covid pandemic stronger and...

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“Rosalba Carriera a life dedicated to painting” goes on stage to celebrate International Women’s Day

29 March 2023 Venice

On 29 March 2023 Arte-Mide Teatro staged the play "Rosalba Carriera a life dedicated to painting" as part of Venice celebrations for International Women’s Day. The event was attended by the President of Venice City Council, Ermelinda Damiano, and Director of the Council of Europe Representation...

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The Council of Europe at Cà Foscari University

27 March 2023 Venice

On 27 March 2023, the director of the Italian Office of the Council of Europe, Luisella Pavan-Woolfe, delivered a lecture on the role of the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights in the framework of the International Law master degree course.

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Council of Europe anti-torture Committee publishes report on Italy

24 March 2023 Strasbourg

On 24 March 2023 in Strasbourg, the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) published the report on its periodic visit to Italy conducted between March and April 2022, together with the response by the Italian authorities...

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The photographic exhibition "SHAME - European Stories" opens in Milan

23 March 2023 Milan

On 23 March 2023 the photographic exhibition "Shame – European Stories" was inaugurated at Casa Emergency in Milan. Fondazione Guido Fluri and Emergency Ong Onlus promoted the exhibition, which portrays victims of child abuse from 20 European countries. The exhibition, already presented in...

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Europe and the European heritage at Macerata’s University

23 March 2023 Macerata

On 21 March 2023 the Director of the Italian office of the Council of Europe, Luisella Pavan-Woolfe, delivered a lecture at the University of Macerata on the Council of Europe and the European multilateral architecture and on the organization’s cultural heritage policies and achievements. Were...

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Focus on "Italo Svevo between cinema and literature" at the Venice office of the Council of Europe

15 March 2023 Venice

On 15 March 2023, authors Alessandro Cuk and Barbara Sturmar presented their book at the Italian office of the Council of Europe “Italo Svevo between cinema and literature”. Cinema critic Paolo Lughi spoke of the various films, television and theatre productions based on the work of the famous...

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Ca’ Foscari’s students meet Gabriele Nissim for the Day of the Righteous

14 March 2023 Venice

On 14 March 2023 for European Day of the Righteous Ca’ Foscari University held the conversation "Being Righteous in our time" with Gabriele Nissim, President of Garden of the Righteous Worldwide (GARIWO). “The memory of Good is a powerful educational tool and can help prevent cases of genocide...

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Faro Convention for the rehabilitation of the Venice Ospedale al Mare

3 March 2023 Venice

"Old and new projects for Ospedale al Mare and the sustainable development of Venice", were under discussion on 3 March, in the Marciana National Library. Ambassador Umberto Vattani, President of Venice International University, moderated the multi-faceted interventions. Present at the meeting...

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"Diario di un diplomatico. Un fiumano a Roma": the book by Damir Grubiša presented in Venice

2 March 2023 Venice

On 2 March Damir Grubiša, the former Croatian ambassador to Italy, spoke of his new book at the Italian office of the Council of Europe. This is the second Council of Europe’s Venice Office initiative, coordinated by Venice Municipality, to commemorate the “Giorno del Ricordo” (Remembrance...

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Free to Create: Report on Artistic Freedom in Europe

15 February 2023 Strasbourg

A new report entitled Free to Create: Artistic Freedom in Europe examines the challenges European artists and cultural workers face in the practice of their right to freedom of artistic expression. These range from laws that curtail creative freedom, attacks from non-governmental groups and...

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Talking about democracy in Europe in Chioggia

21 November 2022 Chioggia

On 21 November 2022 in Chioggia (Ve), democracy in Europe was discussed, at the start of the academic year 2022-2023 of the Università Popolare “Guido Oselladore”. The various aspects of the theme were addressed by Luisella Pavan-Woolfe, director of the Italian office of the Council of Europe;...

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"Peace is a creative effort" for Luciano Benetton

16 November 2022 Treviso

On 16 November, the Imago Mundi Foundation, of which Luciano Benetton is CEO, presented the public debate "Peace is a creative effort", this concept appears in Robert Schumann’s well known 1950 Declaration and was explored by Luisella Pavan-Woolfe, director of the Council of Europe’s Italian...

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Can cultural heritage be part of a resilient urban planning?

11 November 2022 Turin

On 11 November 2022, the Director of the Italian Office of the Council of Europe, Luisella Pavan-Woolfe, delivered an online lecture to the students of Turin Polytechnic second level Master in "Methods and techniques for the government of resilient territories. Towards integrated risk...

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Arte-Mide brings Teresina’s story on stage

7 November 2022 Venice

On 7 November 2022 the recital "Teresina – A true story" based on the homonymous book by Gianguido Pagi Palumbo went on scene in Venice. The initiative was part of the events coordinated by the Municipality of Venice to celebrate "International Day for the elimination of Violence against...

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The Bureau of the Artificial Intelligence Committee meets in Venice

4 November 2022 Venice

The second meeting of the Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAI) Bureau took place at the Venice office of the Council of Europe on 4 November 2022. CAI President Thomas Schneider welcomed the members of the Bureau and outlined the main aims of the meeting: to analyze the draft HUDERIA...

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The photo exhibition "SHAME - European Stories" opens in Strasbourg

26 October 2022 Strasbourg

On 26 October 2022 during the plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly in Strasbourg, Council of Europe Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić inaugurated the photo exhibition "SHAME - European Stories". This shows portraits of victims of child abuse from 20 European countries. In PACE...

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The Faro Italia Network holds its fifth meeting in Rome

21 October 2022 Rome

On 21 October, at the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia in Rome, the fifth annual meeting of the Faro Italia Network took place. This was the second time its members met in 2022. Were presents at the event: Alessandra Ferrighi, Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali;...

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Cultural Heritage: the Council of Europe contribution

19 October 2022 Venice

On 19 October 2022, the director of the Italian office of the Council of Europe, Luisella Pavan-Woolfe, delivered a lecture on the Council of Europe’s policies in the area of cultural heritage in front of MaBAC students. The MaBAC master is a double international master in Management of Cultural...

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