The Anti-Doping Convention: an instrument of international co-operation

Doping is a hindrance to sports ethics and a threat to the health of athletes. Historically, doping is the first of the Council of Europe's concerns in sport.  As early as 1967 the Committee of Ministers produced the first international legal instrument on this matter. Since then, the Organisation has continued to strengthen its commitment to eliminating doping from sport. The Anti-Doping Convention was adopted in 1989. It was followed by an additional protocol in 2002.


Full text of the Anti-Doping Convention (ETS No. 135,1989)   

English German Italian Russian

 Full text of the Additional Protocol to the Anti-Doping Convention (ETS No.188, 2002)  

EnglishGerman Russian

 Full list of signatures and ratifications of the Anti-Doping Convention and its Additional Protocol



Evaluation visits: reports

Useful links