Back Citizens' Assemblies in Banja Luka and Mostar spark local citizen participation

Citizens' Assemblies in Banja Luka and Mostar spark local citizen participation

Citizens’ Assemblies in Banja Luka and Mostar concluded after three weekends of deliberations. Based on a tailored methodology designed to ensure transparency and inclusivity, Citizens’ Assemblies provided a platform for joint policy development and co-creative decision-making between local authorities and citizens.

The Assembly of 40 randomly selected citizens in Mostar focused on how to make the city a more attractive and long-term-stay destination for visitors; while in Banja Luka 35 citizens debated on how to support youth entrepreneurship in the city. Throughout the process, Assembly members in Mostar and Banja Luka had the opportunity to discuss with relevant experts, conduct an open dialogue with local actors and political representatives, and exchange with peers from other cities. As a conclusion to these deliberative processes, a set of recommendations were drafted by the Citizens’ Assemblies and addressed their respective local authority. Twenty-nine recommendations from Mostar concern the organisation of the work of the Tourist Board of the City of Mostar, transport in service of tourism and digital presence and communication on tourism. Twenty recommendations from the citizens of Banja Luka tackle formal and informal education opportunities for entrepreneurship, the setting up of internet platforms and the funding to support start-ups as well as digital communication. The leaders and local councillors of both cities commended the quality of recommendations and commitment of citizens, which contributes to enhancing co-creation and dialogue, and building a stronger sense of community.

The Congress will continue supporting the cities of Banja Luka and Mostar in the meaningful follow-up to the Assemblies, including the development of Action Plans for the implementation of citizens’ recommendations, thereby strengthening prospects of sustainability of such processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

These activities were organised in the framework of the project “Innovating democratic participation at local level in Bosnia and Herzegovina” implemented by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities within the Council of Europe Action Plan for Bosnia and Herzegovina 2022-2025. The project aims to enhance the quality of local democracy and create opportunities for citizens to engage in innovative participatory processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It promotes new democratic approaches, open government, public ethics, transparent and inclusive local policy making in the country.

Website of Mostar Citizens’ Assembly

Website of Banja Luka Citizens’ Assembly


Bosnia and Herzegovina 29 February 2024
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