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The Stiftung EVZ "Erinnerung, Verantwortung, Zukunft" (Foundation "Remembrance, Responsibility and Future") has funded different projects concerning the Roma Genocide. These are: "Verfolgungserfahrung. Zeitzeugen aus der St. Josephspflege in Mulfingen treffen heutige Schüler", "Begegnung von Roma-Holocaust-Überlebenden aus Ungarn mit israelischen Jugendlichen in Israel", "Besuch von NS-Überlebenden aus dem Verband Dt. Sinti und Roma in Krakau und Auschwitz", "25 Holocaust-Überlebende fahren zum Internationalen Auschwitz-Gedenktag der Sinti und Roma nach Polen", and "Begegnung mit der Romni Ceija Stojka, einer Überlebenden des KZ-Bergen-Belsen".

The project “Netzwerk Erinnerung und Zukunft in der Region Hannover” offers information and a bibliography about the Roma Genocide.

The Documentation department of the Dokumentations- und Kulturzentrum Roma und Sinti has the task of documenting the history of the Sinti and Roma minority in Germany: the main focus of its work has been the scientific reappraisal of the genocides perpetrated by the National Socialists. For years now, staff at the Centre has also been collecting pieces of personal evidence from survivors and their relatives. Old family pictures are especially interesting in this context.


1932: “Romani (Gypsy) campsite near Berlin” Historical fim. Germany. Silent film. 2 min.
This film depicts a Roma campsite near Berlin during the Weimar Republic.

1943: “Romani (Gypsy) children used in racial studies” Historical documentary. Germany. Silent film. 2 min.
Eva Justin, an assistant to Dr. Robert Ritter, the Third Reich's "expert" on Roma, made some experiments on Roma children in order to write her Ph. D. dissertation.

1970: “Att Vara Zigarne” (Be a Roma) Documentary. Sweden. Director: Peter Nestler. 47 min.
Testimonies about the persecution and murder of German and Austrian Roma during the Nazi era, and also the consequences up to the present.

1980: “Als Unku Edes Freundin war” (“When Unku Was Ede’s Friend”) Feature film. Germany. Director: Helmut Dziuba. 73 min.
The film deals with personal experiences and also the responsibility of young people during the Weimar period.

1980: “Schimpft uns nicht Zigeuner” (Does not scold us Gypsies) Documentary. Germany. Directors: Katrin Seybold and Melanie Spitta. 43 min.
About experiences in the concentration camp at Auschwitz.

1981: “Wir sind Sintikinder und keine Zigeuner” (We are Sinti children and not Gypsies) Documentary. Germany. Directors: Katrin Seybold and Melanie Spitta. 22 min.
About the continuing discrimination against the Roma up to the present, and also about Roma people in the Nazi era.

1982: “Zeit des Schweigens und der Dunkelheit” (“Time of Darkness and Silence”) Documentary. Germany. Director: Nina Gladitz. 60 min.
About the use of Roma in the making of Riefenstahl’s film \"Tiefland\" and their death in concentration camps.

1982: “Es ging Tag und Nacht, liebes Kind - Zigeuner (Sinti) in Auschwitz” (It was night and day, dear child – Roma in Auschwitz) Documentary. Germany. Directors: Melanie Spitta and Katrin Seybold. 75 min.
Some survivors explain their experiences in the concentration camps.

1985: “Verfolgt und Vergessen - Die Vernichtung der Sinti und Roma in Auschwitz und ihre Verfolgung bis heute” (“Persecuted and Forgotten: The Gypsies of Auschwitz”) Documentary. Germany. Directors: Reiner Holzemer, Jürgen Staiger and Hartmut Ühlein. 62 min.
Some Roma survivors from Germany visit the concentration camp which they left 40 years ago. The film also describes the fear of the Roma people, which has endured up to this day.

1985: “Ich war im KZ – Teil 5 ‘Rückkehr unerwünscht’ - Die Gaskammer” (I was in a concentration camp. Part 5. ‘Return Undesirable’ – The gas chambers) Documentary. Austria. Director: Karl Brousek. 25 min.
\"Euthanasia\" was the code for the first mass murder campaign against Jewish and Roma people - from Germany and Austria - which used poison gas. Four witnesses report their experiences.

1987: “Das falsche Wort. „Wiedergutmachung“ an Zigeunern (Sinte) in Deutschland?” (The wrong word. \"Reparations\" to Roma in Germany?) Documentary. Germany. Directors: Katrin Seybold and Melanie Spitta. 85 min.
About the motivations and practice of Nazi persecution of Roma people. There are also some interviews with Roma survivors.

1989: “The Forgotten Holocaust” Documentary. United Kingdom. Director: George Case. 50 min.
About the persecution and genocide of the European Roma. Some Roma survivors from Germany, Hungary, Austria, Poland, France and the Netherlands are interviewed about this topic.

1992: “Sophie Wittich – Aber man kann des gar net so sagen, wie’s wirklich war...” (Sophie Wittich - But you cannot say how it really was) Documentary. Germany. Director: Loretta Walz. 28 min.
Sophie Wittich speaks about her experiences in Auschwitz and Ravensbrück, and also about her own sterilisation.

1994: “Auf Wiedersehen im Himmel. Die Sinti-Kinder von der St. Josefspflege” (See you in heaven.
The Roma children from the St. Joseph orphanage) Documentary. Germany. Directors: Romani Rose and Michael Krausnick. 40 min. About the story of 35 Roma children who were victims of Nazi experiments – made by Eva Justin - and later sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau.

1995: “Pappo, der Schausteller: eine Sinti-Familie in Deutschland” (Pappo the showman: a Roma family in Germany) Documentary. Germany. Director: Renate Beyer. 48 min.
It is the portrait of a German Roma family since World War II.

1997: “Szczurowa” Documentary. Germany. Directors: Alexander von Plato and Loretta Walz. 20 min.
A Roma woman, who survived the 1943 Roma mass murder in Szczurowa, Poland, explains the events.

1997: “Ó, ty černý ptáčku” (“O You Blackbird of Death”) Documentary. Czech Republic. Director: Břetislav Rychlík. 58 min.
About the experiences in concentration camps of Roma people from Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia.

1998: “Zigeunerleben – Zigeunertod” (Roma life – Roma death) Documentary. Switzerland. Director: Samuel Plattner. 30 min. Language: German.
Travellers were persecuted during the Holocaust in Germany. Nevertheless, many of them were not given asylum in Switzerland. Margaret Meinhard Reinhardt\'s fate is just one example.

1998: “Meine ‘Zigeuner’ mutter” (My Gypsy Mother) Documentary. Austria. Director: Egor Humer. 30 min.
About the relationship between a daughter and her mother, a Roma who was a survivor of different concentration camps. Her life-story influences this relationship.

1999: “Ein einzelner Mord” (A single murder) Feature film. Germany. Director: Karl Fruchtmann.85 min.
About the execution of a Roma boy by an SS leader on the 31st of March 1945.

1999: “Ceija Stojka - Portrait einer Romni” (Ceija Stojka – Portrait of a Roma) Documentary. Austria. Director: Karin Berger. 85 min.
It is the portrait of the Austrian Ceija Stojka, a 66 year old woman who survived the Nazi concentration camps.

2004: “Willys letzte Reise” (Willy’s last trip) Feature film. Germany. Director: Nina Gladitz.
About a Roma child in a concentration camp.

2005: “Unter den Brettern hellgrünes Gras” (Under the leaves light green grass) Documentary. Austria. Director: Karin Berger. 52 min.
About Ceija Stojka’s life: she was a child in the concentration camps of Auschwitz, Ravensbrück and Bergen-Belsen, where she - and her mother - were liberated.

2007: “‘Wir haben doch nichts getan...’ Der Völkermord an den Sinti und Roma” (\'We did not do anything ...\' The Genocide of the Sinti and Roma) Documentary. Germany. Director: Gabriele Trost. 30 min.
About the experiences of some Roma survivors, and the experiments on Roma people.

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