Youth For Democracy in Ukraine
The Project «Youth for Democracy in Ukraine: III Phase» is carried out in the framework of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine 2023-2026. The Project was built on the results and experience of the projects “Youth for Democracy in Ukraine” in 2020-2022 and will extend the systematic influence by strengthening participatory youth policies and reinforce youth work in the war and in a post war context taking into account the specific needs of young people.
The Project: “Youth for Democracy in Ukraine: III Phase”
Duration: 24 months (1 January 2023 – 31 December 2024)
Place/ country: Ukraine
Funding: Voluntary contributions
Impact expected
Young people in Ukraine benefit from participatory youth policy and quality youth work to strengthen own resilience and well-being; to exercise their human rights and freedoms, democratic participation and citizenship in a war and post-war time.
The Project “Youth for Democracy in Ukraine: Phase III” stresses the importance of the Council of Europe youth sector strategy 2030 and reflects the National strategy of the State Youth Policy 2030, the State Target Social Programme “Youth of Ukraine” 2021-2025.
The Project will engage youth policy stakeholders and youth work providers in Ukraine in the implementation and dissemination of Recommendations of the Committee of Ministers to member states: on Access of young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods to social rights (CM (2015) 3), on Access to rights for young people (CM(2016)7) and on youth work (CM(2017)4).
The Project will be implemented within the following components with the respective activities:
- youth policy based on participatory approaches;
- recognition of youth work in wartime;
- support of youth centers and youth organisations as civic activity and democratic participation.
Intermediate outcomes
- Civil servants (with at least 40% women) at local, regional and national levels adjust priorities and means of youth policies and programmes taking into account the war and post-war realities of young people applying the policy setting documents of the Council of Europe.
- Young people participate in democratic processes at national, regional and local levels (including youth councils) in particular contributing to social cohesion and inclusion, civic participation and democratic citizenship.
- Youth workers at local, regional and national levels provide quality and accessible youth work to respond to the needs of young people affected by the war and facilitate their access to rights based on standards and approaches of the Council of Europe.
- Youth workers and administrative staff of youth centres in Ukraine deliver services for young people particularly from those vulnerable groups such IDPs, returnees and the war-affected people in line with the Council of Europe standards and approaches and with peer-support of youth centres awarded with the Council of Europe Quality Label for Youth Centres.
- Youth work providers (youth organisations) deliver services for young people particularly from those vulnerable groups such IDPs, returnees and the war-affected people with the Council of Europe expert and technical support.
The Project: “Youth for Democracy in Ukraine: II Phase”
Duration: 24 months (1 January 2022 – 31 December 2023)
Place/ country: Ukraine
Funding: Voluntary contributions
Impact expected
Young people in Ukraine benefit from participatory and gender sensitive youth policy and youth work to exercise their human rights and freedoms, democratic participation and citizenship.
The Project “Youth for Democracy in Ukraine: Phase II” stresses the importance of the Council of Europe youth sector strategy 2030 and reflects the current youth policy reforms in Ukraine, notably the National strategy of the State Youth Policy 2030, the State Target Social Programme “Youth of Ukraine” 2021-2025.
The Project will engage youth policy stakeholders and youth work providers in Ukraine in the implementation and dissemination of Recommendations of the Committee of Ministers to member states: on Access of young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods to social rights (CM (2015) 3), on Access to rights for young people (CM(2016)7) and on youth work (CM(2017)4).
The Project will be implemented within the following components with the respective activities:
- youth participatory and gender sensitive youth policy
- youth work recognition and quality
- social cohesion and inclusion
Intermediate outcomes
- Civil servants (of whom at least 40% are women) at local, regional and national levels implement participatory and gender sensitive youth policies applying the policy setting documents of the Council of Europe
- Youth workers provide quality and accessible youth work for all groups of young people at local, regional and national levels based on standards of the Council of Europe (at least 50% of the youth workers involved are women)
- Youth work providers promote social cohesion and inclusion through their programmes and activities for and with young people including those who are at particular risk of becoming vulnerable
The Project covers work with the representatives of the local authorities and youth organisations in order to contribute jointly in strengthening youth participation and civic engagement of young people in both rural and urban settings (including young people with disabilities, youth from minorities, as well as young migrants, refugees, IDPs and those affected by conflict) by developing the capacities of youth policy stakeholders and improving the quality of youth policy and youth work based on the Council of Europe standards.
The Project will engage youth policy stakeholders of Ukraine in the implementation and dissemination of Recommendations of the Committee of Ministers to member states: on Access of young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods to social rights (CM (2015) 3), on Access to rights for young people (CM(2016)7) and on youth work (CM(2017)4).
Title of the Project: Youth For Democracy in Ukraine
Duration: 22 months (1 March 2020 – 31 December 2021)
Place/ country: Ukraine
Funding: Voluntary contributions
Project objective is to contribute in strengthening youth participation and civic engagement of young people in both rural and urban settings (including young people with disabilities, youth from minorities, as well as young migrants, refugees, IDPs and those affected by conflict), by developing the capacities of youth policy stakeholders and improving the quality youth policy and youth work based on the Council of Europe standards.
The Project will implement within the following сomponents with the respective activities:
- Supporting building of the rightsbased youth policy promoting youth participation and civic engagement at local level in Ukraine, according the Council of Europe youth sector standards and approaches.
- Promoting quality youth work based on youth participatory approach and nonformal education through the work of local youth centres and youth organisations for and with young people.
- Promoting intercultural dialogue through youth policy and youth work programmes and to empower minority groups for participation in local and regional life.
Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine
Ten NGOs from 9 regions in Ukraine and Kyiv participate in the long-term capacity building programme “Access to Youth work”:
- Centre for Social Transformations TENET, Sumy region, Okhtyrka
- Space of Public Initiatives, Dnipropetrovsk region, Pershotravensk
- Go Byond, Chernihiv
- The Youth of Olexandria, Kirovohrad region, Olexandria
- NACHYNNYA, Kyiv region, Fastiv district, Tarasivka
- TOLKOVI, Zhytomyr region, Zvyagel district, Dovbysh
- YOUCHANGE, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Ivano-Frankivsk district, Kluziv
- Youth Sails, Volyn region, Novovolynsk
- Creative space "Kredents", Zakarpattia region Rakhiv district, Yasinya
Four-month programme “Trauma Informed Youth Work” involves youth workers from twelve regional and local youth centres of different ownership forms:
- Non-Governmental Organisation “Youth Centre of Kirovohrad Region”
- Municipal Institution “Vinnytsia Regional Youth Centre “Square”
- Municipal Institution “Nizhyn City Youth Centre” of the Nizhyn City Council, Chernihiv Region
- Municipal Institution “Chernihiv Regional Youth Centre” of the Chernihiv City Council
- Municipal Out-of-School Educational Establishment “Donetsk Regional Childre and Youth Centre”
- Non-Governmental Organisation “Okhtyrka Youth Centre”
- Youth Centre “Space of Ideas” (Non-Governmental Organisation Kremenchuk
- Information and Education Centre “European Club”)
- Non-Governmental Organisation “Centre of Innovation, Social, Physical and Intellectual Development “”
- Municipal Institution of the Kyiv City Council “Plast Training Centre”
- Everything Will Be Fine, Khmelnytskyi (Non-Governmental Organisation “Events”, Mariupol)
- Non-Governmental Organisation “Volunteers of the State Higher Educational Establishment “Uzhhorod National University”
- Municipal Enterprise “Dnipro Youth Centre” of the Dnipro City Council
The list of local communities to be invited for the partnership for the component "Young People, Full Citizens" was presented on 8 October 2020. This component will support local authorities in the strengthening of youth participation and civic engagement through capacity-building, technical advice and institutional.
Partner communities:
- Hryhorivska village council, Kherson region
- Khoroshivska village council, Zhytomyr
- Kuialnytska village council, Odessa region
- Kurnenska village council, Zhytomyr region
- Novoukrainska city territorial community, Kirovohrad region
- Opishnyanska village council, Poltava region
- Pryshybska village council, Poltava region
- Uzhhorod city council, Zakarpattia region
- Vasylkivska city council, Kyiv region
- Velykokopanivska village council, Kherson region
The list of youth centres to be invited for the partnership for the component "Revitalizing youth centres and youth work" was presented on 9 March 2021. It aims at encouraging youth centres to review their approaches to ensure that their strategies meet the needs of young people and are in line with Council of Europe standards on youth participation and youth work.
National youth centre
- State institution All-Ukrainian youth centre (Kyiv) /Державна установа “Всеукраїнський молодіжний центр”
Regional youth centres
- Regional Public Institution "Volyn Regional Youth Centre" (Youth Centre "YouthSphere") (Volynska oblast / Lutsk) / Обласна комунальна установа «Волинський обласний молодіжний центр» (молодіжний центр «YouthСфера»)
- Donetsk regional children's and youth centre (Donetsk oblast / Kramatorsk) / Донецький обласний дитячо-молодіжний центр
- Municipal institution of the Lviv regional council "Lviv regional youth centre" (Lviv oblast / Lviv) / Комунальний заклад Львівської обласної ради «Львівський обласний молодіжний центр»
- Vinnytsa regional youth centre "Kvadrat" (Vinnytska oblast / Vinnytsa) / Вінницький обласний молодіжний центр "Квадрат"
Local youth centres
- Municipal Institution "Lviv Youth Centre" (Lviv oblast / Lviv) / Львівський міський молодіжний центр
- City Youth Centre (Khmelnytskyi oblast / Khmelnytskyi) / Міський молодіжний центр
- Novomoskovsk culture and education centre for children and youth (Dnipropetrovsk oblast / Novomoskovsk) / Новомосковський міський культурно-освітній дитячо-молодіжний центр
- Kyiv Youth Centre (Kyiv)/ Комунальна установа виконавчого органу Київської міської ради (Київської міської державної адміністрації) "Київський молодіжний центр"
- Okhtyrka Youth Centre (Sumy oblast / Okhtyrka amalgamated community) / Громадська організація «Охтирський молодіжний центр»
- Leisure Centre of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Executive Committee of the Varanska City Council (Rivne oblast/ Varanska amalgamated community) / Центр дозвілля відділу культури та туризму виконавчого комітету Вараської міської ради
- Municipal institution of Nizhyn city council of Chernihiv oblast "Nizhynsky city youth centre" (Chernihiv oblast / Nizhyn) / Комунальний заклад Ніжинських міський молодіжний центр Ніжинської міської ради Чернігівської області
- Municipal Institution of Sumy city council "Sumy city centre of youth leisure" (Sumy oblast / Sumy) / КУ "Сумський міський центр дозвілля молоді" Сумської міської ради
- City Youth Centre (Zhytomyr oblast / Novohrad - Volynskyi) / Міський молодіжний центр
Youth centres
Announcement - Youth Center of Lisbon
The Council of Europe Quality Label for Youth Centres. Good practices in youth centres (available in Ukrainian only)
The Council of Europe Quality Label for Youth Centres. Role, value and impact of youth centres (available in Ukrainian only)
The Council of Europe Quality Label for Youth Centres. Quality management in youth centres (available in Ukrainian only)
Needs of Youth Centres in Ukraine (2022)
Call for participants - Ireland KDYS
Presentation of Research Results on Needs of Youth Centres and Youth Spaces in Ukraine (2023)
Research Results on Need of Youth Centres and Youth Spaces in Ukraine (2023)
Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)7 on young people's access to rights (available in Ukrainian only)
Recommendation CM/Rec (2015)3 on the access of young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods to social rights (available in Ukrainian only)
YOUTH WORK IN THE SPOTLIGHT. Guide to Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)4 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to member States on youth work (UKR)
DICTIONARY OF TERMINOLOGY, used by the Council of Europe in the youth policy field, for human rights and non-formal education
Recommendation CM/Rec(2023)4 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on Roma youth participation
Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)6 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on protecting youth civil society and young people, and supporting their participation in democratic processes
Useful links
The Council of Europe Youth Portal
European Youth Centre Budapest
European Youth Centre Strasbourg
European Youth Foundation
Intergovernmental Cooperation
The EU-CoE Youth Parthership
Facebook Pages
Advisory Council on Youth
Council of Europe - Youth
European Youth Centre Budapest
EU-CoE youth partnership
European Youth Foundation
No Hate Speech Movement
Зірки. Stars. Les etoiles - Visual tool for education
Compass: Manual for Human Rights Education with Young People (in Ukrainian)
Youth sector strategy 2030 (in Ukrainian)
Curriculum for experts of the Council of Europe project "Youth for Democracy in Ukraine" (UKR)
State of play, March-September 2021, The Council of Europe project "Youth for Democracy in Ukraine" (UKR-ENG)
Don't judge a book by its cover! The Living Library. (UKR)
State of play, March 2020 -September 2021, The Council of Europe project "Youth for Democracy in Ukraine" (UKR-ENG)
Simulative game “Red Lines” (How to create a youth centre in your community?)
Manual on research on needs of young people
Notebook on youth participation for youth centres
Study on needs and challenged of youth centres in Ukraine (August-October 2022)
Study on development of the professonal standard "Youth worker" (February-March, August-September 2022)
Quality standards in education and training activities of the Youth Department of the Council of Europe Revised in 2016
Handbook “Step-by-Step together. Support, Tips, Examples and Possibilities for youth work with refugees”
T-Kit 12 “Youth transforming conflict”
Guide on the Educational Course of Trauma Informed Youth Work
Collection of Experience of Youth Work Based on the Approaches and Standards of the Council of Europe in the Context of the Armed Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine
Training manual on social cohesion and barrier-free environment in the youth sector (in Ukrainian)
Concept notes on the All-Ukrainian Networking Week for psychological support of young people "Youth work for resilience" (2023) (in Ukrainian)
Have your say!
T-KIT 6 "Training Essensial"
Research of the Needs and the State of Activity of Authorities and Youth Councils (2023)
Resilience Journal for Adolescents
Youth work: professional standard
Youth Work in England: Policy, Practice and the National Occupational Standards
The aufZAQ Competence Framework
Study on development of the professional standard "Youth worker" (February-March, August-September 2022)
Call - Training course "Trauma Informed Youth Work (28-30 July)" (in Ukrainian)
Сollection of educational practices of higher education institutions of Ukraine in the field of youth work, based on the approaches and standards of the Council of Europe (Ukrainian)
Youth NGOs
Call for partnership for youth NGOs (available in Ukrainian only)
In co-operation with partners the Council of Europe presented the needs of youth workers in Ukraine
The Council of Europe presented the results of a research on the needs and the state of activity of youth workers and prospects for the development of youth work during the war in Ukraine and in the post-war period at the reporting conference of the civil society organisation “Association of...
Participatory youth policy in Ukraine: programmes for civil servants and local self-government officials in 2025
In 2023 the Council of Europe, together with its partners, has developed the training programme on participatory youth policy and its training manual, improved competencies of 22 teachers from 11 regions of Ukraine at a training for trainers, prepared a series of videos of young people's...
400 people learned how to apply a trauma-informed approach
112 men and boys and 288 women and girls joined the educational activities conducted by trainers of the Programme "Trauma-Informed Approach in the Context of Access to Human Rights and Essential Services for Internally Displaced Persons and Returnees to Ukraine", which is jointly implemented by...
Visit of the delegation from Ukraine to the Lisbon Youth Centre with the Quality Label of the Council of Europe
The information is available in Ukrainian.
How to hear the voices of young people: The Council of Europe and its partners presented new resources, opportunities and grants
The Council of Europe project “Youth for Democracy in Ukraine: Phase ІІІ” strengthens participatory youth policy and youth work in Ukraine in time of the war taking into account the needs of young people. 300 representatives of youth centres and spaces, youth workers, experts, and international...