Back Environment, Human Rights and Business: a framework for addressing environmental protection challenges

© Council of Europe

On 27 April 2021, The German Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers, in cooperation with the Steering Committee for Human Rights, will held a high-level online workshop on the topic “Environment, Human Rights and Business: a framework for addressing environmental protection challenges”.

The workshop raised awareness on the intersection of environment protection, human rights and business responsibilities. It explored trends and practical examples of business practices, tools and models that capture and address adverse impacts on both environment and human rights, mitigate risks to vulnerable groups and make positive contributions to the fight against climate change.

The workshop stimulated a dialogue on possible actions by the Council of Europe, including possibilities for standard-setting work and higher engagement with private business actors, to support an enhanced understanding and full protection of human rights and the environment by businesses.


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Strasbourg 26/04/2021
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