Publication "The structures and standards of initial training for history teachers in thirteen member states of the Council of Europe"

The Council of Europe's work on history teaching in secondary schools, has three main thrusts: curriculum development, textbooks and teaching materials, and teacher training. They should take into account societal developments and the cultural needs of coming generations.

This study published in 2000 describes the structures and standards that apply to the initial training of history teachers (ITT) in Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Hungary, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the Russian Federation, Spain, and the United Kingdom.

It includes data-base and background information on ITT which will help those in charge of history teacher training – ministries of education and teacher training institutions: universities, pedagogical universities and teacher training colleges – to discuss concepts for the ITT of history teachers. The aim of the study is to provide information that will raise the level of professionalism not only of history teaching, but also of teacher training.


One study and two seminar reports

History teacher training – demands for a new teacher in a new century
by Professor Svein Lorentzen, University of Trondheim, Norway

Seminar: Initial training for history teachers in thirteen member states of the Council of Europe.
Vienna, Austria, 19-22 April 1998

Follow-up seminar: Initial training for history teachers in thirteen member states of the Council of Europe.
Prague, Czech Republic, 6-9 June 1999