The Group of States against Corruption of the Council of Europe (GRECO) has published a follow-up report assessing the Republic of Moldova’s compliance with the 18 recommendations contained in an evaluation report on the prevention of corruption in respect of parliamentarians, judges and prosecutors adopted in 2016.
GRECO concludes that the Republic of Moldova has implemented satisfactorily 13 of the 18 recommendations and has partly implemented four recommendations. One recommendation, concerning the introduction of rules for parliamentarians on how to interact with third parties seeking to influence the legislative process, has not been implemented.
As regards members of parliament, the country has made progress to publish draft legislation in a timely manner. A draft law on conduct and ethics of parliamentarians has passed the first reading, and there has been an established practice to accept requests for lifting the immunity of parliamentarians suspected of having committed corruption offences.
However, GRECO expresses concern about the frequent use of emergency procedure for adopting legislation. It also stresses the need to strengthen the National Integrity Authority’s capacity to ensure effective in-depth control of the rules on conflicts of interest, incompatibilities, and declarations of assets and interests.
All of GRECO’s recommendations concerning judges have been implemented. The vetting process of candidate judges has produced positive results. The Superior Council of Magistracy has become operational and has continued to adopt reasoned decisions regarding the appointment, transfer and career of judges.
Other positive steps are that the Moldovan authorities have introduced measures to assess the integrity of trainee magistrates by requiring them to file declarations of assets and interests. They have also addressed delays in case-processing and published information on courts’ activity. Progress has been made to amend the legal framework on disciplinary proceedings against judges and annual activity reports contain statistics on the disciplinary proceedings.
With respect to prosecutors, an autonomous specialised Prosecutors’ Inspection has been established, and its capacity is expected to be reinforced in the future. Decisions on disciplinary cases have been reasoned and published, and disciplinary offences appear to have gained in clarity and precision. Nevertheless, GRECO regrets that no progress has been made in respect of the composition of the Superior Council of Prosecutors, since the Minister of Justice (at least until 2026) and the President of the Superior Council of Magistracy will continue to sit as ex officio members.
The adoption of this follow-up report closes the 4th round compliance procedure in respect of the Republic of Moldova.