The Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) of the Council of Europe has published a report evaluating Poland’s compliance with its recommendations to prevent corruption in respect of parliamentarians, judges and prosecutors, and with recommendations related to the 2016-2018 judicial reforms.
GRECO concludes that Poland has fully implemented eight of the total of 22 recommendations issued. It has partially implemented nine recommendations, and five recommendations remain non-implemented. GRECO notes that the overall very low level of compliance with the recommendations remains "globally unsatisfactory.”
That said, GRECO welcomes the authorities’ determined efforts to restore the independence of the National Council of the Judiciary (NCJ). The pending entry into force of the law amending the election of judicial members of the NCJ will ensure that more than half of its members are judges elected by their peers. GRECO further notes that several initiatives to fully implement the outstanding recommendations concerning judges are in the pipeline.
Regarding prosecutors, a commission has been established to assist the National Prosecution Council in overseeing compliance with the ethical principles for prosecutors. Regular and continuous training on ethics and integrity continues to be delivered to prosecutors. The integrity framework needs to be complemented with dedicated counselling and a more in-depth scrutiny of prosecutors’ asset declarations, which are still lacking.
However, the country has achieved no progress in implementing the recommendations concerning parliamentarians since the adoption in 2023 of GRECO’s last follow-up report. GRECO expects that the Sejm’s and Senate’s committees and Presidiums will take tangible action to implement the remaining recommendations.
Those recommendations concern, among other issues, guidance to be provided to MPs on conflicts of interest, acceptance of gifts and advantages, and asset declarations. Others require introducing ethics and conduct standards for senators, developing a precise mechanism for MPs to declare potential conflicts of interests – and of close family members - and improving the monitoring mechanism to assess compliance by MPs with anti-corruption rules.
Given Poland’s serious and resolute efforts to implement the outstanding recommendations, GRECO asks the Polish authorities to provide a report on the progress in implementing the outstanding recommendations by 30 November 2025.
GRECO will address the importance of complying with these recommendations during a high-level mission to the country in 2025.
* unofficial translation, as provided by the Polish authorities