The Group of States against Corruption of the Council of Europe (GRECO) has published a follow-up report assessing Andorra’s progress in implementing the 13 recommendations contained in an evaluation report on the prevention of corruption in respect of parliamentarians, judges and prosecutors adopted in 2017.
GRECO concludes that Andorra has satisfactorily implemented 9 of the 13 recommendations and partly implemented three. One recommendation concerning the composition of the High Council of Justice has not yet been implemented.
Regarding parliamentarians, GRECO welcomes the adoption of a guide on the application of the Code of Conduct. It sets out parliamentarians‘ professional obligations and related procedures together with concepts, interpretation criteria and practical examples to facilitate the implementation of the Code. Another positive step is the appointment of external advisors to the Parliament to give parliamentarians confidential advice on issues of ethics and integrity.
The report recalls that Andorra had already partly implemented a recommendation to require parliamentarians to make declarations of assets but regrets, in this new assessment, that these declarations are not made public and do not cover members of the parliamentarian’s household.
With regard to judges and prosecutors, the report notes positively that the High Council of Justice provides ethics and integrity training for judges and prosecutors, although the system of confidential advice on ethical issues is not yet operational. GRECO regrets that the composition of the High Council of Justice fails to afford appropriate representation of members of the judiciary elected by their peers.
The adoption of this follow-up report closes the 4th round compliance procedure in respect of Andorra.