Do you think you’re sexist? Take a QUIZ to find out!
Sexism is everywhere: in classrooms and in offices, on football pitches and magazine covers. But it is sometimes hard to pinpoint what it does, exactly, and we often tend to minimise sexist acts as harmless or not so important. However, all the incidents of sexism that accumulate over days and years create a climate that makes violence and discrimination – mostly against women – possible.
In order to make sexist behaviour visible and to prevent it, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted a Recommendation on preventing and combating sexism in March 2019.
To mark International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, the Gender Equality Division of the Council of Europe has just produced a QUIZ which highlights some misconceptions people may have about everyday sexism. The QUIZ is part of a series of activities of Sexism: See it. Name it. Stop it., a campaign aimed at raising awareness of the Recommendation on preventing and combating sexism. This Recommendation contains the first ever internationally agreed definition of sexism. It spells out how it manifests, the harm it causes, and what can be done to combat it.
So take the QUIZ and then have a look at the information video and the action page, to found out how the Council of Europe is taking a stand against sexism in our everyday lives.
Sexism: if you see it, you should name it and try to stop it!