1. Registration
The registration with the EYF is the first step to take in the granting process. Only registered organisations with the EYF can apply for EYF grants.
Please take into account that the registration process takes up to 2 weeks. This means that if you wish to apply to a specific deadline, you must submit your registration for your NGO more than 2 weeks before the deadline.
Who is eligible to register with the EYF?
The EYF provides grants to non-governmental youth organisations. For the EYF, eligible youth organisations have the following characteristics:
- being a non-profit-making and non-governmental organisation
- having a statute and legal personality as an organisation.
- running activities for young people (15-30 years old).
- young people take the decisions on the programme of activities of the NGO.
- members of the organisation are aged between 15 and 30 years old.
- the work of the organisation is in line with the values and priorities of the Council of Europe.
- the NGO has to be based in one of the signatories to the European Cultural Convention (all CoE member states and Belarus, Holy Sea, Russian Federation and Kazakhstan).
The following types of youth NGOs can apply to the EYF:
- International youth NGOs
- International network of youth NGOs
- Regional network of youth NGOs
- National youth NGOs
- Local youth NGOs
Registration process
Organisations must register in the EYF online system and their registration needs to be validated before they can submit a project application to the EYF.
Before registering:
- Check whether your organisation’s mission, priorities and activities have a link with the work of the Council of Europe and the priorities of the youth sector.
- EYF grants are project-based, please consult the characteristics that are common to projects the EYF supports and examples.
To register, you need to access the EYF online granting system, https://fej.coe.int/ . Click on the left-side button NGO and "New NGO request". You will then access the registration form. In this form, you need to provide
- information about your organisation's aims, membership, structure, national branches or partners (if you are an international youth NGO or international network of youth NGOs), international affiliations or partners (if you are a national youth NGO) and the names of the NGO legal representatives.
- a report of recent activities
- a scanned version of your NGO's original statute, stamped and signed by the relevant national authority your NGO is registered with. In case the text of the statute is in another language than English or French, you are also required to provide a complete translation of the statute. We may request certified copies or original documents confirming the information provided.
Step by step information on how to fill in the registration form