Processed complaints
The complaint, lodged on 18 July 2001, relates to Articles 5 (the right to organise) and 6 (the right to collective bargaining) of the European Social Charter . It is alleged that members of the Polícia de Segurança Pública are not guaranteed these rights.
The European Committee of Social Rights declared the complaint admissible on 17 October 2001.
The European Committee of Social Rights concluded that there was no violation of Articles 5 and 6 and transmitted its report containing its decision on the merits of the complaint to the Parties and to the Committee of Ministers on 21 May 2002.
The Committee of Ministers adopted Resolution ResChS(2002)5 on 17 July 2002.
Decision on admissibility of the Complaint 11/2001
Decision on the merits of the Complaint 11/2001
Resolution ResChS(2002)5 of the Committee of Ministers on 17 July 2002
Department of Social Rights
Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law
Council of Europe
1, quai Jacoutot
F – 67075 Strasbourg Cedex
Tél. +33 (0)3 90 21 49 61