Back Exchange of views between the ECSR President and the Committee of Ministers to the Council of Europe

Exchange of views between the ECSR President and the Committee of Ministers to the Council of Europe

Today, the President of the European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR), Aoife Nolan, held an exchange of views with the Committee of Ministers’ Deputies in Strasbourg, providing an overview of the ECSR's work.

President Nolan referred to the outcomes of the High-Level Conference on the European Social Charter, which took place on 4 July in Vilnius. She emphasised the importance of this event in strengthening commitment to social rights across Europe and fostering dialogue among key stakeholders as enshrined in the Vilnius declaration adopted at the Conference. A major highlight of the conference was the ratification of the Revised European Social Charter by Iceland, a step towards a more unified system of social rights protection across Europe.

She also provided detailed information of the ECSR’s activities, highlighting key decisions in complaints, the 2023 conclusions and findings, as well as developments related to non-accepted provisions.

In addition, Ms. Nolan apprised the Deputies on the ongoing implementation of the 2022 reform package adopted by the Committee of Ministers. She underscored how the reforms are improving the efficiency of the reporting procedure, strengthening the role of the Charter’s monitoring bodies, and enhancing engagement with stakeholders.

Finally, the President underlined that the increased commitment of member states, combined with enhanced resources, sets a promising stage for the continued protection and promotion of social rights across Europe. She also reaffirmed the ECSR’s dedication to tackle the evolving challenges facing social rights across the continent, while continuing its critical work in safeguarding social justice for all European citizens.

Strasbourg 11/09/2024
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