Back Work on Strategy and Action Plan on Mental Health for Romanian penitentiary system has commenced

@ Council of Europe

@ Council of Europe

On 14 May, the first meeting of the inter-agency working group tasked with developing the Strategy and Action Plan on Mental Health for the Romanian penitentiary system took place online. The Working Group includes representatives of the National Administration of Penitentiaries, Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Health and is being advised by Council of Europe consultants.

The aim of the Working Group is to develop a vision document as well as set of specific actions that would guide the Romanian authorities and assist them with improving psychiatric care of inmates. The Strategy and Action plan will draw on the draft National Action Plan on Mental Health that is being developed, and address the shortcomings identified by the European Court of Human Rights, Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and on-site assessment missions supported by the Council of Europe.

The Working Group will conclude its work by the end of 2024 by endorsing the document which will then be submitted to the National Administration of Penitentiaries for approval.

The event was organised within the framework of the project Further strengthening the provision of health care and mental health in prisons and other closed institutions in Romania financed by the Human Rights Trust Fund of the Council of Europe.  

Romania 14 May 2024
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Through bilateral co-operation activities and projects, the Division for Cooperation in Police and Deprivation of Liberty plays a major role in assisting the beneficiary countries to integrate the Council of Europe standards in their penitentiary, probation and law enforcement institutions. The work related to prisons, probation and the police is an integral part of the overall work of the Council of Europe related to human rights, democracy and the rule of law, the three pillars of the raison d’être of the Organisation, in accordance with its Statute. The main objective is to help the Member States improve their legislation and practice related to the work of the police as well the execution of penal sanctions and measures.



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