Support to the Justice Reform in the Republic of Moldova
What is the project
The project aims to increase the independence, professionalism, and transparency of the judiciary in the Republic of Moldova and support the implementation of the justice reform in line with European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) Opinions, Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) compliance report, and other European standards.
What is the project background
The project is structured in four components that will work towards the following objectives: improvement of the legal framework implementing the Justice Sector Reform Strategy 2022 – 2025, reform of the Superior Council of Magistracy and Superior Council of Prosecutors by supporting the exercise of their powers in line with the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, advance judicial training for judges and prosecutors and at enhancing the capacity of the Constitutional Court.
What do we aim to achieve?
Who do we work with?
Superior Council of Magistracy, Superior Council of Prosecutors, Ministry of Justice, National Institute of Justice, Constitutional Court
Who benefits from the project?
Court users, Civil Society Organisations, citizens, and residents of the Republic of Moldova
Project team:
Project Manager
Diana CEALIC ,
Senior Project Officer
Project Assistant,
Project Assistant,