On 24 and 25 October 2024, a workshop on the importance of generating and using statistics from the Case Management Information System (CMIS) was held in Istog with the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council (KPC) CMIS Working group. The aim of the workshop was to enhance prosecutor work efficiency and reduce the time spent on manual data collection.
Prosecutors, KPC support staff, IT teams, and statistics personnel had the opportunity to discuss good practices with CEPEJ expert on how CMIS data can be used, whether at central level to monitor prosecution system efficiency, at chief prosecutors level to identify areas for improvement within their offices, and at individual prosecutors level to track their own work. The solutions for maintaining high-quality data within the CMIS were also discussed, as well as taking into account the complexity of cases in statistical analyses on the basis of the CEPEJ report on the weighting of cases in public prosecution services.
During the workshop, the CMIS Users' Working Group announced that it will start using the statistics generated by the CMIS by early next year, which should lead to improvements in the collection, processing, and analysis of data on the performance of prosecution offices ultimately leading to improved prosecutorial services.
This activity is organised by the KoSEJ III action “Strengthening the Quality and Efficiency of Justice in Kosovo”, which is part of the joint programme entitled "Horizontal Facility of the Western Balkans and Turkey III", co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe.
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.