The Council of Europe’s European commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) is launching a call for tenders for the provision of intellectual services at national level to support the implementation of the joint EU/CoE project “Supporting the reduction of backlog in the First Instance Courts of Athens and Thessaloniki”.
The project will be based on an assessment of the root causes of the delays (civil cases) in the First Instance Courts of Athens and Thessaloniki at the level of organisation, legal framework, structures, processes and human resources available. It will provide recommendations and concrete action plans for backlog reduction describing the organizational, legal and workflow frameworks will be developed in close cooperation with both courts. It will also provide capacity building measures for the implementation of the action plans and proposed measures in both courts. The Project will seek the close involvement and buy-in by relevant stakeholders to increase their awareness and understanding, and facilitate proposed organisational development actions via change management.
This call covers the provision of expertise and capacity building support under the joint EU/CoE project “Supporting the reduction of backlog in the First Instance Courts of Athens and Thessaloniki” implemented by CEPEJ under “ different lots:
Lot 1: Evaluation of performance and efficiency of the judiciary
Lot 2: Quality of services
Lot 3: Change management
Information on the Tender :
- Link to the Tender File and Act of Engagement :
Modalities and deadline
Note that tenders must be uploaded in e-procurement :
The documents to be provided include:
- One completed and signed copy of the Act of Engagement;
- A detailed CV, preferably in Europass Format, demonstrating clearly that the tenderer fulfils the eligibility and award criteria;
- A list of all owners and executive officers, for legal persons only;
- A letter of motivation highlighting the professional experience in carrying out similar activities and possible awareness of the tools of the Council of Europe and the CEPEJ in the field of justice.
Only bids submitted in English will be considered admissible.
The deadline for the submission of tenders is 13 September 2024.
Questions relating to this call for tenders must be submitted via the e-procurement platform, in English only, at the latest by one week before the deadline for submissions of tenders (6 September 2024). Answers will be also published on the platform.