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    Statut concernant la Convention de Budapest

Statut concernant la Convention de Budapest

Statut : Invité à adhérer Voir le profil légal

Politiques / stratégies en matière de cybercriminalité

At the end of 2016, the government of Benin presented its Governmental Action Plan, Le Programme d’actions du gouvernement (PAG), called Bénin révélé, which sets goals for the period 2016-2021. The plan is a series of programmes and actions to boost the national economy, to attract investors and to create more than half a million jobs, also by establishing a dynamic digital market. To achieve this, the government’s objective is to make the Internet accessible in 80% of the country by 2021.

Since May 6, 2020, the Beninese government has officially approved the national digital security strategy and its 2020-2022 action plan. The vision of this strategy is to create a secure and attractive cyberspace for a thriving digital economy. It notably includes as action on its axis "National coordination and international cooperation" the accession of Benin to the Budapest Convention. It should also be noted that it contains an axis dedicated to "The fight against cybercrime and the strengthening of the legal and regulatory framework".

The development of measures to be taken in the fight against cybercrime was defined as a priority area at events such as the West Africa Internet Governance Forum (of which Benin is a member) or the National Benin IGF.

Institutions spécialisées

Benin has established specialised bodies for matters of cybercrime and electronic evidence:

  • A “Special Prosecutor” (Procureur Spécial) at the Cour de Repression des Infractions Economiques et du Terrorisme (CRIET) is responsible for all cases of cybercrime involving economic benefits, which is the case for most types of cybercrime in Benin at present.
  • The Office Central de Répression de la Cybercriminalité (OCRC) under the Ministry of Interior and Public Security is responsible at the national level for coordinating investigations of all types of cybercrime and for providing technical support to other units if necessary.

Moreover, a Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) was established in 2017, that is, the bjCSIRT. The bjCSIRT is part of the Agence nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information (ANSSI).

Jurisprudence / droit jurisprudent

Outils sur la cybercriminalité et les Preuves Electroniques, Vous donner les Moyens d'Agir.png

These profiles do not necessarily reflect official positions of the States covered or of the Council of Europe. 

  Connaissez-vous les dernières évolutions législatives ou politiques en matière de cybercriminalité et de preuves électroniques ?

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  • Site internet Cybercriminalité
  • Modèle : Demande d'information sur le souscripteur dans le cadre de l'entraide judiciaire (Article 31 de la Convention de Budapest). Versions anglaises et bilingues disponibles.
  • Modèle : Demande de Préservation des Données (Articles 29 et 30 de la Convention de Budapest). Versions anglaises et bilingues disponibles.