The wiki profiles provide an overview of a country's policy on cybercrime and electronic evidence. Every fiche includes a description of cybercrime policies/strategies, the state of cybercrime legislation, the channels of cooperation, international cooperation and case law.

For more information on a country's legislation, click on the legal profile in each country wiki.

Retour Bulgaria

    Statut concernant la Convention de Budapest

Statut concernant la Convention de Budapest

Statut : Partie Déclarations et réserves : reservations regarding Article 14; and declarations regarding Article 27 and Article 35.SEE LEGAL PROFILE Voir le profil légal

Politiques / stratégies en matière de cybercriminalité

The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria adopted the National Cyber Security Strategy Cyber Resilient Bulgaria 2020 on 13 July 2016.

The strategy sets out 9 objectives:

Obj 1 - Establish and develop the national system for cyber security and resilience
Obj 2 - Ensure Network and Information Security as the foundation of cyber resilience
Obj 3 - Support protection and sustainability of digitally dependent critical infrastructures
Obj 4 - Improve the interaction and information sharing between state, business and society
Obj 5 - Develop and improve the regulatory framework
Obj 6 - Step up the fight against cyber crime
Obj 7 - Lead cyber
​​defense and protection of national security
Obj 8 - Raise awareness, knowledge and competencies and develop a stimulating environment for research and innovation in the field of cyber security
OB 9 - International interaction - cyber diplomacy and Interoperability



On 31 October 2018, the Bulgarian parliament passed the Cyber Security Act after a second reading, implementing EU Directive 2016/1148 ('NIS' Directive).

Institutions spécialisées

General Directorate Combating Organized Crime - Cybercrime Unit, within Ministry of Interior, also hosts the 24/7 National Contact Point for High-tech Crimes -,

Commission for Personal Data Protection -

Commission for Communications Regulation -

CERT Bulgaria (English), National Computer Security Incidents Response Team.

Jurisprudence / droit jurisprudent

Supreme Judicial Council - (in Bulgarian)

Outils sur la cybercriminalité et les Preuves Electroniques, Vous donner les Moyens d'Agir.png

These profiles do not necessarily reflect official positions of the States covered or of the Council of Europe. 

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSC 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.