The Congress has conducted its co-operation activities with the North-African authorities in the framework of the Council of Europe new policy towards its immediate neighbourhood. Two reports debated during its 23rd Session in October 2012 culminated in the adoption of Resolution 342 and Recommendation 325 on “The changes underway in the Arab countries – opportunities for local and regional democracy” and Resolution 343 “Policy of the Council of Europe towards neighbouring regions: the role of the Congress”, which have become a real roadmap for Congress activities in this area.

The Congress holds observer status at ARLEM and participates regularly in its events: Plenary Assemblies and Bureau meetings.

ARLEM is the Euro-Mediterranean Assembly of Local and Regional Elected Representatives, set up in 2010 by the Committee of the Regions of the European Union and representing the territorial dimension within the Union for the Mediterranean. ARLEM is a platform allowing elected leaders from the three shores of the Mediterranean Sea to engage their local and regional authorities in political dialogue and promote their co-operation.

Its main objectives are to:

  • give a territorial dimension to the Union for the Mediterranean;
  • promote local democracy, multi-level governance and decentralised co-operation around the three shores of the Mediterranean;
  • encourage North-South and South-South dialogue between local and regional authorities;
  • promote the exchange of best practice, knowledge and technical experience in the areas for which local and regional authorities are responsible;
  • promote regional integration and cohesion


Fehler bei der Verarbeitung der Vorlage.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> curEntry.getAssetRenderer().getArticle  [in template "10453#10490#25521080" at line 15, column 49]

Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it.
Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: journalArticleContent = curEntry.getA...  [in template "10453#10490#25521080" at line 15, column 25]
1<#assign webContentXMLParser = serviceLocator.findService("com.coe.template.helper.api.WebContentXMLParser") /> 
2<#assign ddmTemplate = webContentXMLParser.getDDMTemplateByName(request, "Macros") /> 
3<#include "${templatesPath}/${ddmTemplate.templateKey}" /> 
5<#setting locale=locale> 
7<ul class="title-list list-group"> 
8<#if entries?has_content> 
9	<#list entries as curEntry> 
10		<#assign  
11			link = "" 
13			renderer = curEntry.getAssetRenderer() 
14			className = renderer.getClassName() 
15			journalArticleContent = curEntry.getAssetRenderer().getArticle().getContentByLocale(locale?string) 
16		/> 
18		<#if className == "com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle"> 
20			<#assign lien_redirection = webContentXMLParser.getValue(journalArticleContent, 'lien_redirection')/> 
22			<#if lien_redirection?? && lien_redirection !=''> 
23				<#assign link = lien_redirection> 
24			<#else> 
25				<#assign link = assetPublisherHelper.getAssetViewURL(renderRequest, renderResponse, curEntry)> 
26				<#if assetLinkBehavior != "showFullContent"> 
27					<#assign link = renderer.getURLViewInContext(renderRequest, renderResponse, link)> 
28				</#if> 
29			</#if> 
31			<li class="list-group-item"> 
32				<a href="${link}">${curEntry.getTitle(locale)}</a> 
34				<@getEditIcon/> 
36				<#if stringUtil.split(metadataFields)?size != 0> 
37				<div class="asset-entry-metadata"> 
38					<#list stringUtil.split(metadataFields) as metadata> 
39						<#if metadata == "publish-date" && curEntry.getPublishDate()??> 
40						<p class="date publish-date"> 
41							${curEntry.getPublishDate()?date?string.short} 
42						</p> 
43						</#if> 
44						<#if metadata == "create-date" && curEntry.getCreateDate()??> 
45						<p class="date create-date"> 
46							${curEntry.getCreateDate()?date?string.short} 
47						</p> 
48						</#if> 
49						<#if metadata == "modified-date" && curEntry.getModifiedDate()??> 
50						<p class="date modified-date"> 
51							${curEntry.getModifiedDate()?date?string.short} 
52						</p> 
53						</#if> 
54						<#if metadata == "expiration-date" && curEntry.getExpirationDate()??> 
55						<p class="date expiration-date"> 
56							${curEntry.getExpirationDate()?date?string.short} 
57						</p> 
58						</#if> 
59					</#list> 
60				</div>	 
61				</#if> 
63			</li> 
64        </#if> 
65    </#list> 

The Congress is an institutional stakeholder of the North-South Centre and represents, together with the European Committee of the Regions of the European Union, the local level within the Centre’s quadrilogue governance system. According to the Charter of the Centre, the Congress has two representatives: its President and its First Vice-President.

Created on 16 November 1989, the European Centre for Global Interdependence and Solidarity of the Council of Europe - more commonly known as the "North-South Centre" - was set up in Lisbon to spread beyond the European Continent the universal values upheld by the Council of Europe – human rights, democracy and the rule of law. To strengthen the promotion of dialogue between North and South, foster solidarity and raise awareness of global interdependence, the North-South Centre was established as an ‘Enlarged Partial Agreement’ allowing non-Council of Europe member states to join.

The mission of the North-South Centre is to empower civil society, in particular youth and women, through intercultural dialogue and global citizenship education, to play an active role in Council of Europe member states and neighbouring regions.

North-South Centre