Strasbourg, 15-16 May 2013


1. Opening of the meeting

2. Adoption of the agenda
Annotated Agenda

3. Monitoring of the implementation of the Convention:

a. 3rd reading of the draft questionnaire for the 1st thematic monitoring round on “Sexual abuse of children in the circle of trust”;
Draft revised thematic questionnaire

b. Adoption of the finalised versions of the general overview and the thematic monitoring questionnaires;
General overview questionnaire

c. Exchange of views on the possible options following the adoption of the questionnaires
Follow-up options

4. Capacity building activities:

a. De-briefing of the Conference in Rome on 29-30 November 2012;
Rome event

b. Information on any up-coming suggested activity.

5. Other business

6. Date and place of the next meeting

List of decisions
Report of the 5th meeting