Thematic work

The Commissioner provides advice and raises awareness of human rights issues through the publication of thematic documents and organisation of events and workshops

Thematic advice and awareness raising are essential parts of Commissioner's work. The Commissioner provides advice and information on the protection of human rights and promotes education in and awareness of human rights. There are no thematic limitations to the Commissioner's mandate: all human rights issues may be taken up by the Commissioner.

Advice regarding human rights concerns is most often addressed to all member states in the form of recommendations, opinions, reports and issue papers published by the Commissioner. The Commissioner's regular ‘Human Rights Comments' and ‘Viewpoint' articles on topical issues can also be found on the website.

The Commissioner organises workshops, seminars and lectures to examine specific human rights concerns. Such events engage governments, civil society organisations and experts in permanent dialogue to improve public awareness of human rights standards and issues. The Commissioner and her Office also contribute to debates on human rights through their participation in major conferences.
