Council of
Conseil de l’Europe |
Union Européenne |
Based on the success of the
MOLI-RU Project Against
Money Laundering implemented by
the Council of Europe between
February 2003 and June 2005 (2.5
million Euro) and the Policy Advice
Project on Improving legislation and
practices on dealing with money
laundering and financing of
terrorism (0.25 million Euro) the
3.15 million Euro Follow-up Project
Against Money Laundering and
Terrorist Financing contract was
signed on 19 December 2006 to
address the outstanding issues in
the AML/CTF system of the Russian
Federation and help the country keep
the momentum in developing that
project implementation started on
1 January 2007.
3rd Steering Group Meeting of
MOLI Russia 2
On 10 November the 3rd Steering
Group meeting will take place in
Moscow. The purpose of the meeting
is to assess the project’s
achievements, to revise the work
plan for the period of January-June
2009 in order to adapt it to the
current needs and priorities of the
beneficiary as well as with regard
to the results of the MONEYVAL/FATF/EAG
mutual evaluation report of the
Russian Federation.
The Federal Financial Monitoring
Service of Russia to visit the Czech
From 11 to 14 November 2008 the
Project is organising a study visit
for 13 supervisors and analysts from
the Russian Federal Financial
Monitoring Service to the Czech FIU.
The study visit will focus on
supervision over gambling industry
in view of the upcoming reform in
that sector in Russia. The
participants are to discuss the
issues related to reporting and
inspection of companies in the
industry. The program also includes
visits to several reporting
institutions in the gambling sector.
Combating the Financing of
The seminar on countering
terrorist financing organised by
Basel Institute of Governance will
take place in Davos, Switzerland on
1-3 October 2008. The main topics on
the agenda are the intelligence
gathering, the cooperation between
law enforcement bodies and private
sector, and the use of modern
technology. The Project provides for
participation of the representatives
of Rosfinmonitoring and General
Prosecutor’s office.
Link to the
Agenda (english)
and (russian)
Series of seminars for
interregional offices
The MOLI-RU2 project is launching
a series of seminars for the
interregional offices of
Rosfinmonitoring, law enforcement
bodies and private sector. These
seminars are to be held in each
Federal District of Russia. There
will be organised two consecutive
seminars each time: the first is
aimed at enhancing cooperation
between FIU and LEA, the second is
to cover the issues of financial
sector regulation practices. The
first seminar will be held on 21-22
October in Suzdal for the Central
federal district.
Joint meeting of the Legal
Working Group and the AML
Inter-Agency commission
On 4 and 5 September 2008, a
joint meeting of the Legal Working
Group and the Inter-Agency
Commission on money laundering and
terrorist financing and its advisory
board took place in St
Petersburg. The participants of the
event discussed the priority
issues for the project’s beneficiary
as defined by them with a focus on
the best international practice as
well as the general findings of FATF
Mutual Evaluation Report of Russia.
Agenda in
English and