European Center for Disaster Medicine
CEMEC – San Marino


Address: Ospedale di Stato Via Scialoja 1
47893 Cailungo - Repubblica di San Marino
Tel.: 378 0549 994535
Fax: 378 0549 90 37 06
E-mail: [email protected]




CEMEC’s Head Quarter is based in the Republic of San Marino where most scientific and educational activities are held. An increasing amount of training courses in disaster and emergency medicine are dispersed in other European Countries as Germany, Russia and Italy.
The CEMEC Executive Committee guarantees the CEMEC mission and policy:

President: Prof. Enrico Bernini Carri

Secretary General: Prof. Alessandro Balducci

Permanent staff of the Center: 2 persons


Promoting and developping training and research in the field of disaster medicine aimed at health personnel and volunteers involved with emergency situations.

The CEMEC has the objective to mitigate the impact of natural and technological disasters on human life.
The CEMEC shall pursue its objective, inter alia, by the following activities:

1. Designing and supporting standardised teaching programmes suitable for all trainees in Europe ranging from the lay public to the qualified healthcare professional.
2. Promoting and co-ordinating appropriate research.
3. Organising relevant congresses and other scientific meetings.
4. Promoting political and public awareness of disaster medicine
5. Promoting exchanges among different healthcare professional disciplines.
6. Advising relevant European and other national and international bodies on all matters related to disaster medicine


Current Educational and Training activities - CEMEC organizes courses on emergency and disaster medicine on a regular basis; most courses are run in co-operation with national and international associations and organizations as for example:

  • European Resuscitation Council
  • Italian Resuscitation Council
  • American Academy of Clinical Toxicology
  • Europe Advanced Hazmat Life Support Programme
  • Catholic University School of Medicine, Rome
  • Federal State Institute of Public Health “The NIKIFOROV Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine (NRCERM)”, EMERCOM of Russia, St. Petersburg

Different learning outcomes are covered by many types of courses:

  • Advanced Adult Life Support (ALS)
  • European Paediatric Life Support (EPLS)
  • Intermediate Life Support (ILS)
  • Advanced Hazmat Life Support (AHLS)
  • Emergency NBCRE
  • Qualification in health legislation and emergency medical systems
  • Psychological aspects of emergencies and disasters
  • Nuclear Accidents: veterinary and medical aspects and management
  • Toxicological Basic Support and Therapy
  • Advanced Management of Mass Casualties and maxi-emergencies
  • Coronary Life Support
  • Acute and Chronic Toxicity of urban solid waste

Research activities - Research activities are carried out in co-operation with other European specialised centers and other international organisations.

Child Trauma Network (in collaboration with Spain, Algeria, Morrocco, France, Belgium, Lebanon and Tunisia) on psychological and psychiatrical help to children affected by emergency situations
The project: a web site dedicated to toxicological aspect of emergencies and disasters (


  • The evolution of disaster medicine;
  • Public health in disaster medicine;
  • Early health measures in maxiemergencies (1993);
  • Emergency care (1994);
  • Toxicological emergencies ( 1995)
  • Health and medical implications of a nuclear emergency (1995)
  • Accidental radiation and nuclear emergencies (1995)
  • Advanced in clinical toxicology (1997,1998)
  • XIII International training Courses in disaster medicine ( 1999)
  • Le onde elettromagnetiche: rischi e certezze (2001)
  • Barelli A, Biondi I, Soave M, Tafani C, Bononi F. The comprehensive medical preparedness in chemical emergencies: 'the chain of chemical survival'. Eur J Emerg Med. 2008 Apr;15(2):110-8. R
  • Barelli A, Biondi I, Tafani C, Pellegrini A, Soave M, Gaspari R, Annetta MG. [A relational database to store Poison Centers calls]. Ann Ist Super Sanita. 2006;42(3):310-7.
  • Barelli A, Gargano F, Proietti R. [In-hospital management of victims of chemical weapons of mass destruction]. Ann Ist Super Sanita. 2005;41(1):93-101.
  • Barelli A, Poleggi P, Addario C, Signore L, Russo A, Alongi P, Settimi L. [Consultations at the Poison Center of Rome on pesticide poisoning referrals]. Ann Ist Super Sanita. 2001;37(2):133-6.
  • Magalini SI, Barelli A. The "EMER.CHEM" project: computerised management of hazardous materials incident. Przegl Lek. 1996;53(4):225-6.


The CEMEC promotes and organizes Scientific Meetings on Emergency and disaster medicine. Here some example of events occurred in the past:

  • European Master in Disaster Medicine (EMDM) organized in co-operation with the Universities of San Marino, Novara and Brussels
  • The First European Congress on Emergency Medicine (April 1998)
  • The mental health of man between physical environment and inner world (May 2001)
  • International Mass Casualties experiences: from Abruzzo to Kamtchatka, two countries, one model (November 2009)
  • Psychology in emergency: the Aquila Earthquake (June 2010)
  • The Fukushima nuclear accident: is it another Chernobyl ? (8 July 2011) (more)
  • Gestione Ospedale da Campo (11-12 May 2012) (more)