Strasbourg, 15-17 March 2016


1. Opening of the meeting, adoption of the agenda and up-date on ratifications of the Lanzarote Convention
Order of Business

2. Monitoring of the implementation of the Lanzarote Convention

2.1 Exchange of views and good practices on follow-up to the Lanzarote Committee’s 1st implementation report

2.2 Preliminary assessment of replies to the following questions of the Thematic Questionnaire with a view to include observations on such replies in the Lanzarote Committee’s 2nd implementation report:

- Question 2 (Education for children);

- Question 4 (Raising awareness on sexual abuse in the circle of trust);

- Question 6 (Participation of children, the private sector, the media and civil society);

- Question 7 (Preventive intervention programmes or measures).

3. Exchange of information, experience and good practices

3.1 Participation of the Lanzarote Committee in outside events: Debriefings and upcoming events

3.2 Activities by international governmental and non-governmental organisations, experts, as well as services of the Council of Europe

- “The impact of the DarkNet on the implementation of the Lanzarote Convention by State Parties”, presentation by Mr Jean-Charles Schweitzer, Focal Point Twins - EC3, EUROPOL

- Debriefing on the results of the Survey on the transposition of Directive 2011/93/EU conducted by Missing Children Europe, ECPAT and eNASCO, Mr Francis Herbert, Missing Children Europe - PowerPoint presentation "Together against Sexual Exploitation of Children"

- Presentation of the Council of Europe Child Participation Assessment Tool, Ms Agnes Von Maravić, Children’s Rights Division

- Involving children in initiatives to guarantee effective follow up to the monitoring findings of the Lanzarote Committee: ideas for a pilot project, Ms Helen Veitch, Oak Fellow on Children’s Participation in Preventing Sexual Violence

3.3 Relevant initiatives of the Parliamentary Assembly and Congress of Regional and Local Authorities of the Council of Europe

4. Procedural matters

4.1 Review of the Rules of procedure of the Lanzarote Committee with a view to their adoption

4.2 Examination and adoption of the Lanzarote Committee’s 2nd Activity Report

4.3 Elections: Chairperson and Bureau

4.4 Appointment of Rapporteurs for questions 3 (Recruitment and screening), 5 (Specialised training), 8 (Reporting suspicion of sexual abuse) and 9.b (denial of exercise of professional or voluntary activity) of the Thematic Questionnaire

4.5 Organisation of the run-up to the Lanzarote Committee’s 2nd monitoring round

4.6 Possible new participants in the meetings of the Lanzarote Committee

- World Health Organisation

- International Organisation of the Francophonie

5. Dates of the next meetings

Working Group

  • 3rd meeting: 28-29 April 2016, Strasbourg

Plenary meetings

  • 15th meeting: 14-16 June 2016, Strasbourg
  • 16th meeting: end of November/beginning of December 2016, INTERPOL, Lyon


List of decisions
Report of the 14th meeting