Meeting documents

Delegations are kindly asked to bring their own set of documents to the meeting; documents will no longer be made available in the meeting room.

Back 32nd meeting - Athens, 13-14 September 2006

2 Adoption of the agenda and approval of the report of the 31st meeting
- Agenda CAHDI (2006) OJ 2
- Report of the 31st meeting CAHDI (2006) 17
3 Statement by the Director of Legal Co-operation, Mr Roberto Lamponi
- Developments concerning the Council of Europe Treaty Series since the 31st meeting of the CAHDI CAHDI (2006) Inf 6
4 Decisions by the Committee of Ministers concerning the CAHDI and requests for the CAHDI's opinion
Decisions by the Committee of Ministers concerning the CAHDI and requests for the CAHDI's opinion CAHDI (2006) 18
5 Law and practice relating to reservations and interpretative declarations concerning international treaties: European Observatory of Reservations to International Treaties
- List of outstanding reservations and declarations to international treaties CAHDI (2006) 19
- European Observatory of reservations to international treaties : Observations on Bulgaria's reservation to the Convention on Cybercrime – Document submitted by the delegation of Bulgaria CAHDI (2006) 26 (English only)
- State of signatures and ratifications, reservations and declarations to treaties applicable to the fight against terrorism CAHDI (2006) 6 rev (English only)
- List of problematic reservations and declarations to international treaties applicable to the fight against terrorism – Compiled on the basis of contributions from delegations CAHDI (2006) 7
6 State practice regarding State immunities
- Database on State Practice regarding State Immunities CAHDI (2006) Inf 7 (Bilingual)
7 Organisation and functions of the Office of the Legal Adviser of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Organisation and functions of the Office of the Legal Adviser of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs: Compilation of replies CAHDI (2006) 13 (Bilingual)
- The European Convention on Human Rights, due process and United States Security Council Counter-Terrorism Sanctions – Report prepared by Professor Iain Cameron CAHDI (2006) 22 (English only)
- Database on the organisation and functions of the Office of the Legal Adviser of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs CAHDI (2006) Inf 8 (Bilingual)
8 National implementation measures of UN sanctions and respect for human rights
- National implementation measures of UN sanctions and respect for human rights - Compilation of replies CAHDI (2006) 12 rev (Bilingual)
- National implementation measures of UN sanctions and respect for human rights - Document submitted by the delegation of Greece CAHDI (2004) 7
- National implementation measures of UN sanctions and respect for human rights - Proposal submitted by the delegation of Sweden CAHDI (2004) 9 (English only)
- United Nations Sanctions and Respect for Human Rights CAHDI (2004) 13 (English only)
- Targeted Sanctions and Due Process – Report prepared by Profession Bardo Fassbender CAHDI (2006) 23 (English only)
9 Digest of state practice on international law, proposal for a new activity
- Digests of State Practice on International Law CAHDI (2005) 10 (English only)
- Relevant Committee of Ministers' resolutions CAHDI (2006) 15
- Digests of State Practice on International Law - Document submitted by Oxford University Press CAHDI (2006) 24 (English only)
- Digests of State Practice on International Law - The Recording of State Practice in the UK CAHDI (2006) 25 (English only)
10 The work of the International Law Commission (ILC) and of the Sixth Committee
- Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its 58th session A/61/10
11 Peaceful settlement of disputes
- International Court of Justice's jurisdiction under selected international treaties and agreements, situation concerning the member and observer States of the Council of Europe, which are parties to these agreements and treaties CAHDI (2006) 4 rev (Anglais seulement)
- Peaceful settlement of disputes: overlapping jurisdiction of international tribunals - Document submitted by the delegation of Portugal CAHDI (2006) 5 (English only)
12 UN Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities and European Convention on State Immunity
- Report of the 31st meeting CAHDI (2006) 17 Appendix V
16 Outcome document of the 2005 UN World Summit – Advancing the international rule of law
- Outcome document of the 2005 UN World Summit "Advancing the international rule of law", Discussion paper CAHDI (2006) 11 (English only)
18 Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair
- Election of the Vice-Chair of the CAHDI for one year CAHDI (2006) 20
19 Adoption of preliminary draft specific terms of reference for 2007-2008
- Specific terms of reference for 2007-2008 CAHDI (2006) 21
21 Other business
- Inquiry of Secretary General under Article 52 of the European Convention on Human Rights SG/Inf (2006) 13

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