Meeting documents

Delegations are kindly asked to bring their own set of documents to the meeting; documents will no longer be made available in the meeting room.

Back 28th meeting - Lausanne, 13-14 September 2004

2 Adoption of the agenda and approval of the report of the 27th meeting
- Agenda CAHDI (2004) OJ 2
- Report of the 27th meeting CAHDI (2004) 11
3 Communication by the Director for Legal Cooperation, Mr Roberto Lamponi
- Developments concerning the Council of Europe Treaty Series since the 27th meeting of the CAHDI CAHDI (2004) Inf 3
4 Decisions by the Committee of Ministers concerning the CAHDI and requests for the CAHDI's opinion
- Decisions by the Committee of Ministers concerning the CAHDI and requests for the CAHDI's opinion CAHDI (2004) 14
- Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 1602 (2003) on Immunities of members of the Parliamentary Assembly CAHDI (2004) 14 Add
- Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 1650 (2004) « Links between Europeans living abroad and their countries of origin » CAHDI (2004) 14 Add 2
5 Law and practice relating to reservations and interpretative declarations concerning international treaties: European Observatory of Reservations to International Treaties
- List of outstanding reservations and declarations to international treaties CAHDI (2004) 15
- Explanatory note by Turkey on declarations and reservation made to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights CAHDI (2004) 24 (English only)
- Consideration of reservations and declarations to international treaties applicable to the fight against terrorism CAHDI (2004) 16 (English only)
- List of problematic reservations and declarations to international treaties applicable to the fight against terrorism – Compiled on the basis of contributions from delegations CAHDI (2004) 22 rev
6 Pilot Project of the Council of Europe on State practice regarding State immunities
- Pilot Project of the Council of Europe on State practice regarding State immunities - Analytical report CAHDI (2005) 5
- Pilot Project of the Council of Europe on State practice regarding State immunities - Tables CAHDI (2005) 6 Tables
7 Organisation and functions of the Office of the Legal Adviser of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs
- Organisation and functions of the Office of the Legal Adviser of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs - Compilation of replies CAHDI (2004) 19 (Bilingue)
8 National implementation measures of UN sanctions and respect for human rights
- United Nations Sanctions and Respect for Human Rights CAHDI (2004) 13
- Questionnaire on National implementation measures of UN sanctions CAHDI (2004) 20
- National implementation measures of UN sanctions and respect for human rights - Document submitted by the delegation of Italia CAHDI (2004) 23 (English only)
- National implementation measures of UN sanctions and respect for human rights - Document submitted by the delegation of Greece CAHDI (2004) 7
- National implementation measures of UN sanctions and respect for human rights - Document submitted by the delegation of Sweden CAHDI (2004) 9 (English only)
9 The work of the International Law Commission (ILC) and of the Sixth Committee
- Report of the 56th Session of the ILC A/59/10
- Revitalisation of the General Assembly of the United Nations - Document submitted by the delegation of Switzerland CAHDI (2004) 10 (English only)
13 Fight against terrorism
- Fight against terrorism – Information about work undertaken in the Council of Europe and other international fora CAHDI (2004) Inf 5
14 Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair
- Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair for one year CAHDI (2004) 17
15 Adoption of the specific terms of reference of the CAHDI for 2005-2006
- Draft specific terms of reference of the CAHDI for 2005-2006 CAHDI (2004) 18
17 Other business
- Proposals for a new procedure of notification of acts related to Council of Europe's treaties CAHDI (2004) 21

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